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Battling With Music
Citation:   Jayssoneer. "Battling With Music: An Experience with DMT (exp114078)". Feb 17, 2020.

15 - 30 mg smoked DMT
I loaded my pipe ("the machine") with an eyeballed dose, three tiny spoonfuls which was probably 15-30mg in my experience. I had a scale but didn't bother using it this time, feeling adventurous and also bored. Hitting the pipe with a torch lighter, I quickly noticed the effects were growing so strong that I had to hurry up putting the pipe down, having a hard time finding the floor anymore.

Immediately afterwards I felt that the music (fittingly, Divine Moments of Truth by Shpongle) from my headphones was more annoying than anything imaginable.
I felt that the music (fittingly, Divine Moments of Truth by Shpongle) from my headphones was more annoying than anything imaginable.
I took the headphones off in a rush, but soon realized that it was impossible to manipulate this strange black cube object in my hands. The music was still very audible, and for a moment I was terribly disappointed at my situation. The annoying noise persisted and nothing could be done to correct this travesty. Throwing the headphones farther away crossed my mind, but I didn't want to make odd noises because my friends were in the next room.

The disturbing noise caused my whole vision to turn into a dirty scene, with black rectangular shapes somewhat similar to what the headphones had looked like starting to attack me from every direction. The sense of time was now slipping away, but I still retained my sense of self.

What happened next was unexpected. The feeling of annoyance and disappointment began shifting towards a fighting spirit. The attacking dirty shapes gradually lost their negative aspects when it became apparent that they had no means to cause real trouble. I started shaking my fist towards them, after remembering that was possible for me. There was also an urge to make slight, strange guttural noises to prove to these attackers that I had the upper hand here. At this point the overall dirty look of the visuals rapidly transformed to a glorious display of beautiful colours and shapes.

After this decisive victory of sorts, the room I was in started slowly appearing from behind the immense visuals. I don't remember seeing any particular entities, but felt the presence of many inside the strong distortions that still pulsated, partially covering the real room. It was like seeing two universes on top of each other, with the real objects flipping in and out of existence for a long time. I began waving my hand towards these distortions, saluting them for what was just experienced. Laughing out in low volume at the same time, trying not to distract the friends behind the closed door of my room. The unseen entities had an unmistakably friendly attitude, and they were pleased to see how I behaved.

The music now felt good again, and I picked up the headphones again to hear better, also suspecting that due to taking them off my ears, the noise might have leaked into the other room where I could now hear my friends conversing. The track still had minutes left in it, so the whole experience up to this point lasted perhaps just seven minutes. I could certainly appreciate the way Shpongle has done it, with the ending obviously resembling a comedown from a mystical experience, which had just happened.

I quietly said to myself, "did this just happen? really!? come on now that's absurd!", barely able to contain laughter. By the time the track ended, the room was now fully back in my vision and only slight distortions could be noted. I returned from my room with a wide grin, wondering how I could describe the experience to my friends. Essentially, I had been battling music and ended up saluting a wardrobe and other furniture.

I had read about this potential mistake of listening to music when smoking DMT, but it was hard to truly understand why it could have much significance until experiencing the combination. This was however one of my best DMT experiences so far! The feeling of awe in the end was entirely on a different level, when it was preceded by the overcoming of negative effects with my own willpower.

I have avoided true breakthroughs so far, due to an anxiety about possible negative outcomes. This experience gave me a glimpse of the darker side, and how it could be overcome by embracing what happens and making the most out of it. Perhaps the time for a true breakthrough is coming soon.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114078
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Feb 17, 2020Views: 682
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