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Being a Pioneer for the First Time
Citation:   ChrystalCokelumbus. "Being a Pioneer for the First Time: An Experience with 4-HO-MCPT (exp114097)". Feb 26, 2020.

40 - 60 mg rectal 4-HO-MCPT
Because I had some psychotic episodes with lysergamides, I switched to synthetic and organic tryptamines. But recently a lot of research chemical got banned in my country, and I cant risk having illegal substances. So this chemical was finally a chance to trip a bit again. I should have no tolerance at all, the last time tryptamines (Mushrooms) is about 3 month ago.

I took the 50 mg rectal, which was probably around 40-60 (I have a shitty scale). I had no tolerance at all. The substance was not tested by myself, but the Vendor is in a special position, they have to check themselves, because otherwise they would get legal troubles. And so far I always had the expected feelings from the right dosages. And I ordered quite a lot.

Directly after taking it I felt a warmth shower coming all over my body. I thought it was placebo and took my phone, and continued reading some article.

I couldn't believe it is starting that fast. The letters in my article are starting to move. I get this weird unpleasant come up body feelings. For a short moment I was afraid it will get way more intense then I expected when I reach such a level so fast.

The trip was full one there and I was quite overwhelmed. For a short second I was afraid it will end in a bad trip, especially I thought how dumb it was to take such a novel drug, especially with no trip report regarding this ROA. I was afraid there is a way different outcome than taking it orally. The visuals (OEV and CEV) were quite nice, it reminded me of a 100 ug 1p-lsd trip. I recognized a lot of faces in things. No straight line stayed straight and I saw patterns in everyday things. The headspace was different too. For the next 30 minutes I thought a lot about my life, especially about people, who feel important to me. I thought about my bad relation to my parents and so on. So quite empathetic.

After that time I started to enjoy the trip more, maybe it got less intense or I got more used to the intensity. I started to enjoy the visual and the tracer of my hand. I enjoyed the CEV (big green patterns pulsating) and breathing. I enjoyed this feeling of dissolving in the voids of my CEVs.

I decided to watch some nature documentary, to further investigate the visual effects.

My roommate came in, because he wanted to smoke a cigarette. He noticed I was on something, but I did not really try to hide. But i could do some basic interaction with humans again, which would have been pretty hard in the first hour.

I went on my balcony to get some fresh air. I realized I can see some stars, which I then enjoyed looking at. I still had some slight moving going on but it was just as intense as maybe a 150mg dose of MDMA. What was interesting I felt pretty warm although it was definitely not. This was especially interesting because I felt rather cold watching the documentary, which was by the way not very breathtaking to be honest, maybe because I was watching it on my phone. On the balcony I felt really good. I realized how awesome life is and what a gift it is to feel and see and taste and smell. I kind of laughed a bit standing there on my balcony. I was so grateful for having a chance to live. This was really good for my soul because I often struggle to find joy in life.

Both of my roommates came into my room, but know I was almost back to base, just a slight mental high left from the balcony experience. I really enjoyed their company and was happy to have them in my life.

Most of the effects are gone. And I am happy I had the experience. I am happy I just took 50mg not 100. Next time I will maybe try the 75 or 100. What is quite nice is that it does not stay that long. So even a intense trip will not stay for ever.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114097
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 26, 2020Views: 1,048
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4-HO-MCPT (803) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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