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Feels More Like Serotonin Derivative
Citation:   fenderjaguar. "Feels More Like Serotonin Derivative: An Experience with Phenibut (exp114134)". Jun 21, 2022.

    Smarts - Phenibut
Feel a lot of 'zaps' with this, like an electrical shock in my hands. Also, auditory hallucinations, with pops in my ears, a little like change in pressure, hypnic jerk. Basically, everything I'd come to expect from a serotinogenic derivitive, or in withdrawal from SSRI's.

High doses induce need to sleep, but the hypnic jerk is extended into a loop of borderline consciousness in between the waking world and the dream world. This is NOT a nice place to inhabit, wanting to wake up, but struggling to, in a semi nightmare borderworld between the two places (can't wake up, can't go to sleep).

Which brings up my next point, the dreams, or the nightmares. Taking this for several days, I get a form of REM sleep deprivation, which envokes intense REM sleep, when I finally do fall asleep. At the time, this seems fairly normal, given that phenibut is a sedative hypnotic, but when I remember the intense traumatic dream experience afterward, it seems....unsettling, disturbing, traumatic and scary even, when I finally remembered what the dreams were about.

Honestly? This seems like it eventually invokes the actual withdrawal symptoms from GABA derivitives, but from the actual direct effects from phenibut. This is contrary to other GABA type substances I have taken (benzos, alcohol, pregabalin etc). I mean, I expect withdrawal symptoms of these substances, in withdrawal, but not directly under the influence, like with phenibut.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114134
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2022Views: 901
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Smarts - Phenibut (379), Dreams (85) : Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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