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Memories of Dumbo
by Emek
Citation:   Emek. "Memories of Dumbo: An Experience with BOH-2C-B (exp114202)". Nov 2, 2020.

T+ 0:00
75 mg oral BOH-2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 20 mg   BOH-2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00   vaporized Cannabis  
I woke up to a fine morning, the sun was shining and almost no clouds in the sky around 4-5 degrees (Celsius) outside (it's winter). Has hardly seen the sun in recent months has only rained or been cloudy. Went out on the balcony to feel the sun on my skin and cat that I am currently taking care of followed me out. Then I had breakfast and thought this would be a good day to test this new RC drug. Have had it at home for some time but I havenīt had any good opportunity. Had just tested a micro dose of this and havenīt any strange reactions from it. I have trippt alone before and Iīm quite comfortable with that.

T+ 0:00 So after a ride to the shooting range, I came home at 15:00 and thought it was time. It's been 3 hours since I last ate anything so I thinking it should come on faster. Had previously thought about to take a dose around 50-60mg for me that it was a light dose. Have been a few weeks since I read about dosage and duration. But such a good day as today (had gone well with gun shot with) then I thought maybe I could take some more.

Picked up the scale and the powder and started to weigh. At first the powder was very fine but suddenly there were some lumps and the wave stops at 75 mg I think this is a little bit more than I thought. But it should go well. Put the powder in a schnapps glass fill it water and swallows it down. I also gave the cat some food so I donīt have to think of that later.

T+ 1:00 In anticipation of some effect, I play a little computer game, after about an hour I quit and lay down on the sofa and try to feel if I notice any difference. Feel a slight pressure around my head and warmth, almost like I have a cap on me a pretty good feeling. I was cold on the upper body so put on an extra shirt. Was a little uncertain how long the onset is on this drug, I think I read somewhere that it could take two hours. But search on the Internet and find a page that says it should take 30-50 min. It also says that I took a large dose but have difficulty believing it. My vision is normal and my balance as well. Thinking that I should test snort a little to see if it can get something started.

T+ 1:30 Weighs 20mg and tries to snort it. I do regret it directly hurts like hell, maybe my feeling have been affected? In any case, it hurt more than snorting 2c-b. Takes what is left and pours in a schnapps glass and swallows it down with water. I will not try this again.

T+ 2:00 I start watching a porno movie feels nice but not particularly different than usual. After that, I lay down on the sofa with a blanket and listen to music. The cat comes and lays next to me for a while, it feels nice with some company.

The vision begins to change very slowly as it gets darker outside. Iīm starting to think about some thing my mother have said, that I had a stuffed elephant as a kid. Come and think of a Disney cartoon elephant but can't come up with the name of the movie or elephant. Am very uncertain if I have seen it or not have no direct memories from it but now I feel that I should watch this movie later tonight.

T+ 4:00 It's dark outside now. Things that are on the periphery seem to breathe and I sometimes believe that the balcony door is open as the curtain looks to flutter as if it is blowing. Something makes me want to smoke a little MJ (white widow) thinking I read somewhere that it would affect the hallucination of this substance. Starting to go around in the apartment to find out everything I need. I Light some candles and picks up the vaporizer.

Hear how the cat meows and wants to go out. I walk to the front door and nearly open it before I stop myself, I don't think normally any longer I realize. I live on the second floor and I can't let her out. Iīm looking at me in the mirror in the hall, have big pupils and looks affected. Really don't want to meet any neighbors and look like this.

Goes back to the sofa and loads the vape. Heats it over the flame from a candle and slowly suck in the vapor. I Lay down and close my eyes. DMT like vision is starting to emerge. The problem with smoking DMT, I think, is that everything happening so fast that I can't reflect on anything. Has not had any breakthroughs either. Now, on the other hand, I see a picture with different metal objects or machines and large screws. Things are moving and being built on, I notice some things are moving with the music and I try to control it a little bit and making it as still as possible. Trying to understand what it is I see and get the idea that if we live in a simulation this is the source code for me or my experience. At least that's what I thought at the moment. When I open my eyes it disappears and I see very colored lines that follow the contours of the objects in the room much like LSD hallucinations.

T+ 5:00 Probably here somewhere I remember that the Disney movie is called Dumbo and I look it up and start watching. Now the hallucinations have switched to colors and patterns everywhere but more like an overlay. It starts to varies a lot in strength, I hardly notice it and sometimes I can hardly see anything else.

As I watch the movie, memories from childhood begin to emerge, now I remember not only that I have seen the film but even where I have seen it. Must have been pretty scared to have seen it as a child can't remember that I liked it. Now I think I also remember why I love the toy elephant, I wanted to be Dumbo's friend. I had problems with the ears just like Dumbo but in my case it was ear inflammation. Don't think I could have gotten these memories back if I had been sober and now have watched the movie so it feels like it have help me.

T+ 6:30 The cat is getting bored otherwise she likes to sleep on the amplifier. So I play with her for a while and she seems to be happy. Starts music and lays down in the sofa and the cat lays beside and wants to cuddle. The thoughts revolve around the film and memories of childhood.

T+ 8:00 Suddenly it is quiet and I think that the computer is in sleep mode but it is the music list that ended. Time has really flown by. I start a new playlist and going to fetching some water, my balance has been affected noticing that I go a little bit wobbly. Then I sit down in the sofa. The visuals is quite strong still.

T+ 8:30 Now patterns and symbols are starting to emerge and I react suddenly that I can read some letters among the symbols. Have not been aware of this before. Have sometimes seen symbols (on LSD) that seem to come from some Native American tribe, but this drug seems to communicate in my language. Think it's pretty comical. Shortly after this, a candle light goes out and as soon as I feel the smoke smell my field of vision fills with smoke, or maybe a fog is the right word. Understands that the room is not smoky but still opens the balcony door to take some fresh air. Think it is really cold outside and it probably is.

T+ 11:30 Have stayed in the sofa and listened to music until now. Feel like the time has gone really fast. The hallucinations are not as strong as before but still have OEV and CEV. Feel it is time to move to the bed and see if I can sleep, but know with me that it will take time to fall asleep.
But the clock says 2:30.

T+ 15 Have managed to sleep a few hours (maybe two) but the cat wakes me up, goes to the toilet and back to bed to sleep more. Have no OEV now but still CEV, or I started dreaming as soon as I close my eyes.

After the trip.

Sleeps for four more hours. Is really tired and energy-less this day. Do not really have any appetite but know I need to eat something so I do eat something light. Never before have I felt so tired and energy-less after taking a hallucinogenic.
Never before have I felt so tired and energy-less after taking a hallucinogenic.
Worked as usual on Monday (the next day) felt a little better then.

It took such a long time before I started to notice the effects, an hour before I started to notice the physical effect and almost three hours before the vision was affected. It was a really smooth transition and the hallucinations went into waves with more and less intensity during a very long time. But I canīt really understand why I was so tired the day after.

If or when I try this drug again I am take a lower dose maybe half the dose to see if I feel better the day after. Or if it affects the duration. Do not regret that I took such a high dose, got back some memories from childhood and all the wonderful hallucination I had. But had to pay a high price when I barely manage to get out of bed the next day.

The reason I bought this was because I like 2C-B but haven't found it for sale in a long time. So I was searching for an alternative but I canīt say this is like it at all.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Nov 2, 2020Views: 2,894
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BOH-2C-B (721) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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