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For Depression
Citation:   Misha. "For Depression: An Experience with 1cP-LSD (exp114243)". Apr 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
100 ug buccal 1cP-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00     Benzodiazepines (daily)
1cP-LSD for Depression

(PLEASE NOTE: I was tapering off benzodiazepines with my doctor extremely slowly at the time of the experience. I was not on any type of antidepressant at the time, or one month+ prior to use. I take prescribed benzos daily and do not think it impacted my experience due to my built up tolerance, if anything it made the next morning easier/ calmer.)

After letting the tab sit under my tongue and chewing on it for about 10 minutes, I swallow. I go in with expectations of it being nearly identical to LSD-25, and it basically is, although I do not wish to compare it to other substances. The following is a (slightly edited) report I made during the experience to share with anyone interested in this chemical's effects.

T+ 0:00- Dose

T+ 0:45- I think it's kicking, colors are saturating, and I can feel a psychedelic "shift"

T+ 1:00- It's definitely kicked in at this point, morphing and drifting effects are starting, slight anxiety/angina (elevated heart rate), I feel like I want to jump in a pool and swim laps or go for a jog. I feel energized, creative, and in a good/weird mood. (I have clinical depression, so this is quite a mind-shift).

T+ 1:30- Tracers, yawning, appetite suppression, pupil dilation are all apparent. I also wrote of color, audio, and tactile enhancement around this point. The peak started.
T+ 1:45- I'm drawing with music. Music is lovely.

T+ 2:00- Still peaking, physical euphoria is apparent, "connection to the universe" "all cells share the same universal energy" were written in my log at this point. I feel the desire to stretch out.

T+ 2:10- Time is weird. My olfactory senses seem more acute now. Music appreciation has increased due to hearing the separation of instruments, the music has layers.

T+ 2:50- Still Peaking

T+ 3:10- Peak is subsiding and my face feels a bit like it's melting/numb on the right side. This comes and goes in waves as the experience fades. A tingle similar to SSRI withdrawal, but not in a bad way. Hard to explain.

T+ 4:00- I feel as though I'm almost at baseline and still see mild tracers.

T+ 5:00- I smoked some cannabis (I am a daily cannabis consumer) to help ground me. My tolerance is insanely high from concentrates.

T+ 6:00- Baseline? Only afterglow effects remain around now.

T+ 12:00- Not much trouble sleeping (or napping), afterglow present, including self-perceived mental clarity, reevaluation of my life situation, increased empathy, and I had a little more "pep" in my step for the next couple days as well.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114243
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 20, 2020Views: 3,383
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1cP-LSD (906) : Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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