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First Timer in Hyperspace, Wowzers
Citation:   Kroikey Ophite. "First Timer in Hyperspace, Wowzers: An Experience with DMT (exp114258)". Erowid.org. Apr 20, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114258

T+ 0:00
15 mg smoked DMT
  T+ 1:00 20 mg smoked DMT
Ok, first time ever trying smoked DMT, and so I took it slowly. Bare in mind I'm an experienced tripper, so being isolated due to this Coronavirus and still trying it was not about being silly, it was due to my knowledge of what it does, and my ability to ride out some of the most harrowing experiences.

So first time I just put the crumbs of what I had into a roll-up. It was only 1-3mg and I knew it'd burn so wasn't too worried about dipping my toes. Odd feeling, definitely a change of perception, some nice fractal closed eye visuals, not very strong or colourful, but beautifully deep.

I decided I'd make a bong later that night and do a standard first dose, 15mg, taking care to collect ashes to sandwich the DMT in as I'm aware how one is meant to do this. This time it was another story completely, like I was tripping on acid but amazingly strong, with a feeling like coming on off ecstacy but with the taste of iron and stomach energy like LSD. I quickly switched the lights off and had a very pleasant experience, completely sub-threshold but I could see fields in the air against the shadow of my hand. I was raving about this experience, because I'd felt that way before in the best points of a shroom or LSD trip.
I'd felt that way before in the best points of a shroom or LSD trip.
Where on LSD its like an overlay of fluid motion, its still very 2d or surface level for me. This however was like the fractals fell into infinity itself, and the body feeling was extremely pleasant. I used the song the 'Arrival of the Birds' as I took the hit, and this was a great choice. Nice a quick, fast swelling, all positive and lovely music to listen too.

So I went raving about how its all cool and I knew what this was about. I decided to trip again an hour later, and went from 15 to 20mg. I'm guessing some of the other DMT was still in the ashes that I broke up to reload. Either that or the difference between 15 and 20 is extraordinary...

I filled the bong with smoke, getting quite a bit with my finger still on the hole, which began the familiar tripping, but then I inhaled the whole bong in one, and managed to go back and try draining the rest. Then what I saw before was 10x the effect, the edge of my ornaments light was on the ceiling but it looked like waves were breaking, many many times what the edge used to be. The light shade in my room was becoming ominous because the angle I was at gave it the appearance of an Eye. It split into three as I decided I'd had enough trying to watch what was going on, and I began to hear an ascending whistling tone. My body was wracked with nervous energy and I quickly realised this was going some place I hadn't before, so lay back and tried to focus on my breathing. It was then I noticed how far away my body was and closing my eyes was like an entry to a warp tunnel. I feel like I had some two-way conversation with it, because it seemed to wait for me to catch my breath and check I could still feel my breathing. Then as soon as I was happy I was breathing ok, I was off through many many images and such I can't even remember it. I was focused on letting go, not caring about the body or what was happening and just watching what was unfolding.

Oh my god it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Just pure life unfolding everywhere. I can't remember much of the start it was so fast. It being my first real time made me more concentrated on safety, so at several points I opened my eyes to see what reality looked like, and it was just mirror upon mirror upon mirror, I gave up trying and closed my eyes again.

I definitely let go of my self, not long after the whistling noise. Then all I can truly remember is these places, giant halls of fractal crystals, all transforming and leading me onwards. At one point I was being dragged through a super fast cylindrical river which was full of pictures of things, like moments in time. I wanted to know what this was, but the presence that was there just smiled and then I came out at some more deeply beautiful halls, but this time there was a huge fountain of octagonal geometry, and I flew up through the centre of the water and as I looked down I saw it become a huge flower of light. There was something too beautiful to focus on in the foreground, and as I looked behind I saw an infinite plane through one of the arches, and on it was a peacock made of the fractal crystal material. It opened its tail feathers and then I saw many instances of rainbows within the visions. The spray of the water gave a huge rainbow, the tail feathers were a rainbow, then I saw another fountain through another arch made of a rainbow of light. My heart was bursting with love from all this beautiful imagery and sensations, all the while the sensation of my body was returning. I could feel the ecstatic pulses through me, and my lower 3 chakras began to vibrate through me. My body was convulsing from the shaking, but I knew this wasn't an issue as I'd experienced it when tired and cold. I said "oh my god" out loud several times with my eyes open, a huge grin on my face, and then closed my eyes again. I was still flying through endless halls, but this time it felt like I was being closed in by a box room and the colours were going back to blacks and blues, and the sense of it fading started.

It was then I felt the female presence, Maya, my Goddess. The flashes of seductive eyes and hair, the smile that warms your soul, it was beautiful. Most of what I remember came from the second half of the trip.
Most of what I remember came from the second half of the trip.
I'm not sure I can say I saw entities as such, it was all alive, but I remember her face and the sense of loss near the end as I left that reality and returned to the levels of my previous attempt.

What an amazing experience. I've no idea where I went, but I was propelled and/or tunneled there at a ferocious rate. The things I saw were too beautiful to bring back. I could spend an eternity and never repeat what I saw there. All life and its mysteries lie in that experience. That was Oz, that was Fantasia, my Goddess showed me what Eternal Love looked like. Oh...my...god.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114258
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2020Views: 822
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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