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Shallow and Unrewarding
Citation:   stonvnox. "Shallow and Unrewarding: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp114269)". Apr 24, 2020.

300 mg oral Diphenhydramine
T+0:00 - took 300mg DPH Hcl oral (no additional substances present beyond binding agents).

T+0:05 - BP 140-91, HR 78

T+0:15 - Very mild sedation noticeable

T+0:28 - Eyes feel a bit dry

T+0:33 - Vague "psychedelic" mental feeling; sedation increased to 4/10

T+0:37 - Hypnagogic feeling pervades, similar to the moments just before one falls asleep

T+0:42 - Sedation 6/10, body heaviness
T+0:45 - BP 157/100, HR 76

T+0:50 - Sedation 7/10. Strong hypnagogic feeling. Chest-centered anxiety sensation, dismissed relatively easily with deep breaths and intentional thoughts. Experience occasional, mild patterning on surfaces.

T+1:02 - BP 167/111, HR 96
Psychedelic feeling intensifies, stronger anxiety urges push through but are still able to be suppressed pretty quickly. Hands are cold and a bit shaky.

T+1:24 - Sedation 8/10, very powerful sense of hypnagogia, as though a dream was about to begin.

T+1:26 - Strong urge to sleep and powerful notion that said sleep will be restful.

T+1:33 - Anxious and euphoric simultaneously, euphoria much weaker than anxiety.

T+1:40 - BP 159/105, HR 105
Noting mild/moderate time dilation, there's music playing but each track seems much longer.

T+1:51 - Physical anxiety subsides entirely for a bit, leaving a stupor feeling behind.

T+1:55 - I am easily startled, even by sudden shifts in music that wouldn't normally really register.

T+2:02 - I feel quite restless.

T+2:15 - Chest anxiety has returned but is not particularly severe or panic-inducing.

T+2:26 - Anxiety has subsided once more.

T+2:36 - Dozed off for a brief moment with eyes open, was thrust into a dream involving my brother and a relatively normal conversation, only to suddenly "awaken" at my desk again.

T+2:46 - BP 162/95, HR 82

T+3:14 - Continual hypnagogic sensations and episodes, dozing then awakening.

T+3:40 - Decide to go to sleep since the drug appears to not be bringing anything new.
Sleep for approximately 10 hours.

T+14:00 - Still feel in a stupor, easily startled, quite tired but no uncomfortable restlessness or anxiety. Have a sensation of being "f****d up" without any additional reference points. Very mild but still annoying nausea (may be due to not eating much yesterday). Comparable in some ways to a worse version of a psychedelic afterglow.

I mostly was just curious about the other reports I had read of this substance, and wanted to see for myself what a drug with a reputation for explicitly non-positive effects (for most people) was like. In some ways, this experience reassured me of my own ability to maintain control of my mind and avoid spiraling into panic, but beyond being essentially a test of fortitude, I can't see much profundity to this particular substance
beyond being essentially a test of fortitude, I can't see much profundity to this particular substance
. Considering that even a common dose was sufficient to elevate my blood pressure substantially, I have to be cautious about that.

I have prior experiences with other psychedelic substances, so I have a bit of a reference point for comparison. At its best, I would rate diphenhydramine a 3/10 - the truth is, there just isn't that much to this experience, and I don't have much of a desire to try it again.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114269
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 24, 2020Views: 895
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