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A Saturday of Hypnogogia
Citation:   Phantom, Part 2. "A Saturday of Hypnogogia: An Experience with LSD & 4-AcO-DMT (exp114345)". May 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (daily)
  T+ 0:00   oral Vitamins / Supplements (daily)
  T+ 0:00 0.25 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:31 0.25 tablets oral 4-AcO-DMT  
  T+ 6:00   smoked Cannabis  
A Saturday of Hypnogogia: LSD & 4-AcO-DMT Trip

Daily Supplements: Vitamin D 100iui, Vitamin C 500mg, Cannabis (Daily; Smoked)
Trip report 4/25

It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning when I decided to have a little fun with my stash of hallucinogens. I was rather inspired to do a psychedelic combination after reading some other hallucinogen experience reports shortly after I woke up. I would set the intention of also creating music and drawings while under the influence of this combo.

One of the reports I was reading described the use of LSD, 4-AcO-DMT, MDMA and Nitrous Oxide, which was quite an outrageous tale to read, so I decided that today perhaps I would become half as outrageous and administer to myself sub-breakthrough doses of both LSD and 4-AcO-DMT, with a little bit of cannabis of course. I partake in Cannabis consumption daily already. "Hopefully, I won't get too messed up to see the paper when drawing" I think to myself, remembering my last experience.

As a nod to one of the experience reports I read earlier, I decide to take my quarter tab of LSD (~50ug) at 10:30AM in the morning; I plan to take my quarter pellet of 4-AcO-DMT (~5mg) about 2 hours in, at 12:30PM, as an attempt to cross peaks. I used smaller amounts because I have tried this combination before at a higher threshold and found it rather intense, but pleasant
I used smaller amounts because I have tried this combination before at a higher threshold and found it rather intense, but pleasant
, so I figured that in the context of a casual Saturday these amounts should be appropriate for my desired level of inebriation, and enhancement.

Experience Log:
10:30AM- I take the quarter tab of acid, and start typing my experience log. I fidget around with a pair of tweezers trying to get both pieces of my double layered, perforated blotter paper together to ingest. I know that I'm in for it when I see the trippy swirl design, despite the fact I had also taken a half tab two days prior. This batch of acid was supremely potent, so I can say with confidence that a quarter of a tab should be equal to roughly ~50ug as my friend claims the tabs are at ~200ug a piece. I enjoy it.

10:45AM- After finishing up my listen through of the album Cross by Justice (very good smoking album), I put on the album Rusty by Rodan. I was feeling a change of pace from the upbeat electronic jams of Justice for something more guitar based and pensive, like Rodan. I wanted to prepare for the introspection that the 4-AcO-DMT brings on as soon as it hits my system, which is deeply intensified when I am already on acid. I do not feel much at this point, but I am going to take a shower and see how I feel after that.

11:08AM- My efforts to take a shower are thwarted, as I start to get lost in the music. I can feel myself starting to come up on the acid, rather gently, which is good because Rusty can be an intense album at times. It's nice though, so I decide to finish up the album before hopping in the shower.

11:35AM- Needless to say, it was a great experience. After the last track of Rusty finished up, I listened to another song by them called "Darjeeling" during which when I was listening I knew I was starting to come up very nicely on the LSD. After that song finished, I browsed my music library for some more tunes to put on. Eventually I decided on playing Moonlit Sailor's- Colors In Stereo, just for the hell of it. I have to make note that, I certainly can see the colors in the stereo on this stuff!

11:45AM- I put on Mogwai- Young Team. I find it suits the mood better.

12:58PM- After getting entranced in that album, I finally mustered up enough concentration to go into the shower. After having my shower, I felt very rejuvenated, but my underlying thoughts feel chaotic and flow deeper, with a subtle but sharp visual edge overlaying my vision, ever so slightly distorting the world around me. It is now the perfect time to consume the 4-Aco

1:01PM- I consume the 5mg of 4-Aco-DMT with some water. Here we go. I think I will take a nice, long walk while I start to come up on the Psilacetin and peak on the Acid. When I look at the tiny cracked off piece of the pellet, I notice it looks much bigger than normal, and every fine detail of it becomes apparent. A sign?

1:10- A pleasant euphoria washes me. Perhaps these are the first inklings of the psilacetin comeup, or is the acid entering peak? I can't tell too much, but Mogwai's Mogwai Fear Satan is completely engulfing the entirety of my incorporeal being. The visual patterning is not quite there but there is much apparent, melting, breathing, fading and color hue shifting going on, albeit not super intensely. I'm at least at a shulgin +, perhaps approaching ++.

2:24PM- The experiences have tangentially merged. I am now officially "high" on both LSD and 4-Aco-DMT, and I have to say with confidence, especially since this re-visitation of the combo, that it is very good, and a lot better than the notorious LSD and Magic Mushrooms combo. The visuals aspect is very nice, even at low doses with a tolerance, the combination of these drugs create an awfully spectacular lightshow of, red, green and violet overlays that seem to pull at and contort the objects upon which I focus my gaze on. It is a notably different visual and physical experience than with either drug on it's own or even the LSD and Mushrooms combo. For comparison, the LSD and 4-Aco-DMT combination's visuals are very similar to the LSD and Mushroom combinations visuals, except I notice there is more of an emphasis on the beautiful simulacrum of neon overlays and external hallucinations compared to the Psilocybin Mushrooms tendencies to bring upon a more, ancient, mystical and internally based hallucinatory experience, to the wonderful LSD rush.

In my walk, I felt much more at peace and comfortable with the people who reside within my condominium complex. Talking with them feels remarkably easier and smoother than when in an unaltered state. The one aspect of this combination's body high I really enjoy is how it can bring a balance to the uneasy tension of LSD's body high, while not succumbing into the sluggish euphoria of 4-AcO's, and yet still retaining an even keel of mental and physical energy. On the LSD and Mushrooms combo, it truly does in fact feel as if the body highs fight with each other, perhaps this can be attributed to when the dosages are taken, or the digestive problems commonly associated with the Psilocybe mushroom, but regardless in my own experiences, Psilacetin merges more comfortably with acid. There is much lucidity at these doses.

4:26PM- I decided to meet up with a couple of my buddies and acquire some grass for smoking. I was at a shulgin ++ a couple hours ago, but it seems that things are now winding down enough to the point where I could enjoy cannabis and still see straight. I do regret not lighting up at 4:20, oh well though. The neon pattern overlays are still there, along with the pleasant body sensations, but they are becoming markedly weaker, perhaps the 4-AcO is wearing off first, as expected.

8:22PM- Smoking cannabis went well, as expected. At the point in my trip when I smoked it with friends, it definitely intensified the experience, but not so much the visual aspect, it mostly just brought back the AcO & Acid body high, which was great. A couple hours go by, and my friends go home, from here I call it a day. All in all, it was a very pleasant morning and afternoon. Cheers. I'm gonna go make music and draw now.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114345
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 15, 2020Views: 867
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LSD (2), 4-AcO-DMT (387) : Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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