Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Made Me Pass Out, Still Love It Though
Citation:   lazylightning. "Made Me Pass Out, Still Love It Though: An Experience with Cannabis (exp114360)". May 14, 2020.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
Weed Made Me Pass Out, Still Love It Though

I have smoked a lot of weed, I'd like to just start with that. I know it's not exactly good for me (especially at my age) but whatever we're all gonna die anyway. I was a semi-frequent smoker throughout my last few years of high school but when I went off to college I began smoking daily. I'm gonna write about 2 very memorable sessions I had with my buddy, that I thought some may find interesting.

Post Midterm Fun
Let’s take it back to October of 2019, my roommate and I had just finished our fist Calc midterm so naturally we had plans to go and smoke as much as we could to celebrate our hard work. I finished the test first so I swung by our room and grabbed our shit while he finished up. It was about 9pm by this point, so it was pretty dark outside. Once he finished I met him near the testing building and we made our way over to our spot. Our spot happens to be one of the best I’ve had access to in my years of smoking. It’s a “closed” trail right next to a creek that is on the edge of our campus, not a 5 minute walk from where we were testing. The trail also has no lights and since we smoke at night it’s usually dark as fuck down there.

We get there and start to lightup. Prior to this we would normally each smoke a 3/4 raw cone and share a 3rd, but today we figured we’d each smoke 2 because fuck it (we usually packed about .35g in these cones). We each get through our first cone and are both feeling pretty damn excellent, naturally we decided smoking one more each would only result in feeling even better. We begin smoking again and about halfway through my cone I start to feel really lightheaded and have to take a minute to gather myself. I decided after a short rest that I was ok and kept on truckin, after another hit or two I felt REALLY lightheaded. Like I’m talking “I just stood up too fast and I’m gonna pass out” lightheaded.
I felt REALLY lightheaded. Like I’m talking “I just stood up too fast and I’m gonna pass out” lightheaded.
I sat down and I felt like I was on the brink of losing consciousness, for a minute or so everything around me looked grainy and it sounded like my friend’s voice was filtered. It was borderline psychedelic, being the idiot I was after about 5 minutes of resting I decided to chug the last little bit of the cone (I was very determined to finish it lol). I finished the rest in about a minute or so, there were not many hits left, and I realized I’d pushed too far.

One moment I was standing and the next I was on my hands and knees on the ground. According to my friend I had started to wobble a little bit, in his extra fucked up state he did not register that this wasn’t normal, and then my eyes rolled back and I just fell forwards. I went completely limp, after I came too I decided we should walk a little bit to get my head back in the right place. This was not a good idea, as I would soon find out. We started walking and I couldn’t really see due to a combination of being really fucking high and it being very dark where we were. I ended up walking into a large rock, when I say walk into I mean I didn’t even realize it was there and didn’t slow down or break stride as I rammed into it. Upon recovering from this, I realized my hand was bleeding badly from the first fall. Somehow I hadn’t noticed this. We made our way back on campus and decided we should get food and relax to destress a little. I got some flaming hot Cheetos and everything was momentarily forgotten :).

Winter Wonderland
Fast forward a few months, it’s December and where I go to school it gets cold as fuck. This particular night it was probably 15-20 degrees and snowing, naturally I went out to smoke with my roommate (same friend as before) because fuck weather. As we had been smoking daily I had built a tolerance so I was smoking 1 ¼” cones and my friend and I would each smoke 1 and split a 3rd. I estimate that we had packed each of the cones with about .65 grams of some quality dispo weed. Anyway, we get down to our spot by the river and begin smoking. This time we get through all the weed and I ask my friend for eyedrops, he started rummaging through his pockets to find them. I started to feel weirdly constricted (I had 2 hoods on because it was cold) and I took everything off from my head. I started to feel lightheaded and all I could think was “of fuck”. I don’t remember what happened next, this is what my friend told me. I had taken off my hoods and I just said that I didn’t feel too good and he put a hand on my should and asked if I was good. Then my eyes rolled back and I went limp, fortunately he was sort of able to catch me and lower me down. He started shaking me and calling my name, he did this for maybe a minute and in his panic he tried to drag me (we laughed about this later lol). After realizing I was too heavy he just went back to shaking me. Now here is where my memory comes back in, I remember hearing him call my name. Gradually his voice got louder and louder until I opened my eyes and I was laying on the ground in the snow and he was shaking me. The weirdest part is that after I came too I felt totally fine. My friend was scared shitless because he thought I wasn’t gonna wakeup.

I still love weed. These experiences didn’t deter me from smoking, in fact both times I went out the following night to smoke again, I was just a little more cautious. I think my problem had to do with blood pressure, my theory is that both times my blood pressure was already low and the weed made it lower. Also, if you’re smoking with a friend and they start to look a little off, TELL THEM TO SIT DOWN and keep an eye on them. When I was in the snow I wanted to sit down but couldn’t because of the snow and if I had I might not have passed out.

Anyways, I still smoke a lot and have not passed out since. Stay safe ya’ll!

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114360
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 14, 2020Views: 492
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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