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To Free Myself From Opiates
Kratom & Ketamine
Citation:   Asaurus. "To Free Myself From Opiates: An Experience with Kratom & Ketamine (exp114368)". May 15, 2020.

10 - 20 g oral Kratom
Kratom and ketamine to get off opiates

I have been experimenting with different substances for the past 2 decades. I have ingested copious amounts of weed, alcohol, uppers, downers, hallucinogens, dissociatives... anything I could get my hands on, really. I would willingly be the Guinea pig when a new chemical came around and let my friends know if it was worth it or not. So when opiates came into my life I quickly fell into their warm embrace.

After a few short months of doing them daily (specifically dilaudid, oxycontin, opana, fentanyl, any pills around) I realized I was physically addicted. Going through withdrawl was unbearable. A few years went by in this addict cycle, gradually going downhill in life. I felt like I was living The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails.

I got into a methadone clinic, and 8 years went by. I wanted to leave, and tried, unsuccessfully. Every time the withdrawal would get me. I would hold out for a while (longest was a month) before I finally got so desperate I fell back into opiates and opioids.

Except for this time. I detoxed from the methadone with lots of ketamine
I detoxed from the methadone with lots of ketamine
, which was really helpful for my symptoms. My tolerance went up quickly tho and I ran out of K after the first week, so I began to feel desperate and was very concerned I would relapse all over again.

Luckily I had heard of Kratom, and had a friend pick some up for me. The first time I tried it I took 5g, which didn't really do anything. I did not have much faith in it since kratom is legal but I decided to try a second time. The second time I tried it was a much different experience.

Having a really hard day dealing with withdrawal effects and sobriety in general. Decide to take more kratom, a higher dose than last time (20g) Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Start feeling like I have a little energy, and decide to go walk in the woods. As I begin to journey through the trees I am filled with serenity and energy for the first time since I started the detox. Immense relief.

I sit down under a tree and meditate, feeling inspired and ready for anything. I get the call to go back to my trampoline and do some journaling.

I have focus again! Deep into journaling I am filled with peace and gratitude, as well as hope.

The rest of the day I felt energy, and truly felt like I could actually get off opiates altogether.
I felt energy, and truly felt like I could actually get off opiates altogether.
It has been another week and a half since then. I have been taking around 20g at a time, and it has given me the energy to actually do things instead of sitting/lying down and feeling miserable. I am switching up brands to help keep away dependency, and plan on gradually decreasing dosage once my withdrawal symptoms are lessened enough to be manageable.

In conclusion, I use kratom as a means to get off opiates or at least help with withdrawal symptoms. I feel very blessed I found it at just the right time. I hope anyone suffering as I have finds this beautiful substance as helpful as I have!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114368
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2020Views: 1,197
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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