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Like a Warm Up to a Breakthrough
Citation:   VibrationMigration. "Like a Warm Up to a Breakthrough: An Experience with DMT (exp114381)". Erowid.org. May 12, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114381

7 - 10 mg vaporized DMT
Low Dose (7-10mg) DMT
As I inhale the vapor through the pipe, I lay back.

Holding my breath for as long as I can manage so I can fully absorb the vapor. As I feel the effects start to come on in about 15-20 seconds, whilst still holding my breath, I decide to let go/exhale and it felt like a burst of energy being released from my energetic field. I started moaning along with my exhales almost uncontrollably, which gradually decreased, as it felt like tons of energy was being released from my energetic field. I don't know how else to put this sensation. I suddenly felt lighter, had mild internal hallucinations sort of teasing my visual field. These series of sensations all happened within the first 30 seconds - 60 seconds.

My eyes were closed during this whole experience, except for 2 meaningless seconds where I decided to open them for some reason. I am more interested in the beauty within the infinite blackness behind the eyelids anyways. I'm never too concerned with the external environment while undergoing a DMT experience... quite the opposite actually. I become highly sensitive to all the sounds around me... hypersensitive if you will. This is a state of mind that is very powerful, yet very sensitive.

After hearing my neighbor stomp around a little bit upstairs mid experience, this intelligent airy voice (coming from what seemed like a friendly sarcastic entity, maybe it was me?) began speaking to me saying "Who cares what other people are doing?" over and over for a good half-minute I suppose. At this point in my life, I do struggle a little bit with caring too much about what's going on with other people around me, and not enough about myself. The emotional imbalance was brought to my attention with this repetitive voice saying "Who cares what other people are doing?". My social anxiety, which can get pretty extreme at times, also plays a role into the way I processed this simple question repeated to me. This was an introspective highlight of this seemingly short but eternal journey. I lost complete track of time. All and all, this is a human neurotransmitter that just so happens to be a toke away.

While laying on my back, on my bed, I began to slowly regain composure of my body which was highly disoriented going through this mild-dosage DMT experience. I begin moving my legs and it feels almost foreign as if they don't belong to me. It was quite an intense experience despite the low dosage.
It was quite an intense experience despite the low dosage.
I think having a lot of emotional baggage undealt with for many months (going to rehab for Xanax & Heroin addiction, losing almost everything, dying 3 times within a year and a half, nerve damage, cardiac arrest) has affected my energy field/overall health.

Dosing this 7-10 mg's of DMT felt like a warm up to a breakthrough that may be necessary (whether through Ayahuasca or vaped DMT). It was oh-so familiar. It really did feel like 'Home' when the effects initially came on. One thing I need to stay wary of is the energy I allow into my energetic field. Currently, I have a roomate that is struggling with alcoholism... and yes I would tell him he's an alcoholic if he asked me. Deep down he knows he's an alcoholic even though he says the classic 'I don't believe in Alcoholism or Addiction or something like that). My Aunt passed away less than a couple weeks ago. She was big into drinking and had many health problems. My other Aunt just got diagnosed with Cirhhosis of the liver due to drinking and doesn't have very long to live :/. One of my best friends growing up died of Alcohol poisoning/Liver failure at the age of about 21. Being around the energy of Alcoholism/Addiction is very draining to me at this point in my life after being addicted to multiple substances myself, dying 3 times, needing to be revived multiple times, given a second, even third chance, and seeing people very close to me suffer from an Addiction mindset they continue to feed. I was this person, and now I choose to not be.

The trouble I face in my life now is very simple, and it's an energetic obstacle. How do I draw firm healthy boundaries on an energetic level with the person I live with who just so happens to be addicted to alcohol (A.k.a. Alcoholism)? Obviously the most intelligent option is to remove myself from this situation but financial matters complicate things.

After getting out of rehab a few months ago, I firmly decided to never get back into those old behaviour patterns. Giving myself a break from all the overstimulation and traumatic manifestations I was causing. My brain was scattered for so long. Now I see this. With the use of Ayahuasca, DMT, and Mushrooms when it feels right to do so, healing will take priority and I thank the DMT experience for introducing me to the questions I really need brought to the forefront. These are questions and experiences that I need to explore so that I can come up with the most accurate answers for myself. This is the only way healing will take place within. Energy is everything. Much Love to you all and be responsible with this substance. This truly is a sacred gift to be able to utilized for growth and personal evolution, whether that be internal exploration or hallucinatory fascination. Both are equally wonderful. Sometimes we must go within, and sometimes we must look outside of ourselves into the abyss of life and colour <3.

Edit: Despite the low dosage, the meaning of this experience cannot be measured. I feel everyone should have the proper respect and understanding for such a substance. I decided to partake on this journey many months after being released from Rehab. I gave myself a long break from this powerful tool. I plan on redosing soon in the 20 - 30mg range and doing so with pure intentions, and a disciplined, but flexible mind. Set and Setting along with Intent is my FOUNDATION. I cannot stress this enough.

Writing out these experiences helps immensely with processing
Writing out these experiences helps immensely with processing
and I hope this can help others as well. Thank you for reading and I hope at least one person could relate and gather something positive to take away from this mild experience (yet intense!) for a path of growth and regeneration in their own lives.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114381
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 12, 2020Views: 581
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DMT (18) : Personal Preparation (45), General (1), Alone (16)

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