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Salvia divinorum (80x extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Platform Strange. "Mandelbrot-Trousers: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (80x extract) & Cannabis (exp114393)". Sep 26, 2022.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Having had little effect two nights previously using a total of 250mg of 80x extract, I read up, and sure enough, "keep the torch on the bowl til it's empty, inhale constantly and hold for as long as possible" seemed to be the tried and tested method. So, a single dose of what I thought was around 50MILIgrams turned out to be more like 65!

While I consider myself experienced with other psychedelics, this was a different "animal". This was a first time experience too. In the woods walking and distancing myself from society, (as are we all it seems #lockdown) and having smoked around 1.5g of skunk throughout the day I was finding the cannabis alone slightly trippy. At around 3AM things were getting colder so I was going to put my trousers on over the shorts I was currently wearing, requiring that I do the following 1. Remove my shoes 2. Put on my 'pants' 3. Replace my shoes. Simple right?

Seeing the curves for salvia I was banking on around one minute before I was decidedly sideways, plenty of time to perform the tasks on my list. Wrong.

The Actual List reads more thus...

1. Kick off my shoes, realising things are not quite as they were, and that someone was in or behind every surface I gazed upon. (Strangely I was only just lighting the bowl when I heard what could only be described as 'them'. Ents, elves, spirit, call them what we will. Just, not even older, just utterly outside what we see as the universe. I digress. Voices saying something akin to "why is he taking so much" "oh dear")

2. Trying to put my trousers on, when from my point of view they had an infinite number of sides, each of which had an infinite number of surfaces. When you can't 'tell your left from your right' that's easily explained, but the staggering amount of dysphoria and total lack of any real depth perception was challenging and would have made for hilarious viewing.

3. Putting my shoes back on, in the region of 6-8 attempts maybe more. Put left shoe on, no, must be right, no, other shoe fits neither, are these really my feet? Like when you interlock your fingers at the same time crossing your arms, it's difficult to move the correct finger, a most disconcerting sensation.

This was that x 1000
Trip over.

T minus around 10 mins? I really have no idea on duration. Got the impression she let me off very lightly indeed.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114393
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Sep 26, 2022Views: 335
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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