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Seconal Secrets
Secobarbital, Amphetamines & Cannabis
Citation:   psychopharma. "Seconal Secrets: An Experience with Secobarbital, Amphetamines & Cannabis (exp114403)". Erowid.org. Dec 12, 2023. erowid.org/exp/114403

100 mg oral Pharms - Secobarbital (capsule)
  30 mg oral Amphetamines  
    smoked Cannabis  
I have years of experience with opiates, marijuana, stimulants, and psychedelics just as a background note. I had come across Seconal after years of wanting to experience its effects and if it lives up to its name. I was in an excited state of mind before dosing the 100mg of Seconal along with 30mg of Adderall XR around 5:00pm. I started smoking weed while waiting for the pills to kick in. I started feeling the amphetamines after an hour and I was stuck wondering why the seconal hadn't hit me yet. I was very stimulated so I occupied my time playing videogames and talking to my friend.

Around 2 hours in, I started to feel a powerful warmth in my body and sedation on the level of IV heroin. Thanks to the amphetamines, I was able to ride out the sedation in a state of balanced bliss. I went for a walk and every part of my body felt the strong barbiturate and amphetamine body high tingling from head to toe. At around 4 hours in, I felt the Seconal peaking and its effects came on stronger. I felt very loose and uninhibited similar to Xanax effects. Even with the amphetamines in my system, I started to feel spacey and my memory started to get patchy. I was smoking weed for a majority of the time I was intoxicated by this combo, which probably added to the fogginess. The comedown was harsh from the Seconal. I felt mentally slow and irritable for 2 days and was a bit worried about it.

My second experience I took 100mg at a party at 7:00pm and felt loose and uninhibited like the first time, but I was in more control of my actions. I had a magnificent body high again and my mental state was that of "I don't care about anything right now because I feel amazing".
I had a magnificent body high again and my mental state was that of "I don't care about anything right now because I feel amazing".
I was less aware of my surroundings and less engaged in conversation. It took around 2 hours to come on and the peak rose at 4 hours. I felt very introspective and I was unable to have an emotional response to both internal and external stimuli. I was smoking weed this entire time. I left the party at around 12:00am and went to a friend's house and someone there had cocaine. I felt incredibly tired so I insufflated 2 lines and felt more lucid. I went to smoke some weed after that and I had that feeling of balanced bliss. I remember I was awake enough after the cocaine to talk to people. I ended up getting home around 4:00am and I went to bed at roughly 6:00am. I was cognitively delayed for part of the next day, but as time went on I felt better.

The last time I used Seconal, I insufflated roughly 25mg of Seconal (I emptied half of a 50mg capsule). I put the "25mg" in 3 lines, the first one made me feel mellow, the second one gave me a more pronounced high in terms of mental and body feelings, and the third line induced instant bradycardia (slow heartbeat) within seconds, quite akin to a dose of IV heroin. I felt stronger sedative effects, mental fog, and memory loss the entire time the Seconal was working. Compared to the oral dosing of seconal, insufflation affected me way more. The effects hit like a freight train and it was very encumbering in terms of movement. The euphoria was a 10/10 and it felt wonderful, though I was worried about the slow heartbeat. I don't remember much of what I did that night, but I recall smoking a lot of weed in my backyard. Once I came down, I noticed my sinuses hurt more than they ever had before due to the insufflation. The pain gave me a headache since it was deep in my sinuses. The pain lasted 2 days before subsiding.

One odd effect I experienced on Seconal was visual disturbances. I would see different colored lights hovering in my vision at certain times of the highs. I hope this entry helps someone out.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114403
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2023Views: 18
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Pharms - Secobarbital (814), Cannabis (1), Amphetamines (6) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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