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I Personally Really Enjoyed It
Citation:   Re-laks. "I Personally Really Enjoyed It: An Experience with Kratom (exp114440)". May 30, 2020.

T+ 0:00
3 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:55 3 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00     Cannabis  
Kratom 1st Time Experience

Decided to take Kratom after reading about it online. Ordered 500g Green Malay from an online shop in Amsterdam. Understood entering experience was that threshold experience is at 1g, up to 3/4g stimulant experience, 6+g results in sedating effects.

Group of 6 close friends (males) are around 20/21/22 yrs old taken indoors. Will describe experience from my perspective. I have previously had experience with other substances to which most have been pleasurable. Common user of cannabis and alcohol only.

20:05 -> Every member took his 3g Green Malay mixed with orange juice which was meant to increase potency.

20:20 -> Everyone was speaking normally but around this time I noticed some things were different such as the lights looking brighter and less my perception to what was being said changed relative to the vibe found pre kratom. However, I thought this was a placebo since no one seemed to be acting any different.

20:35 -> At this point I could feel a shift in my interest in conversing with my friends. A slow gradual realisation was felt within the group that certain minimal effects are being felt. However, most members expected stimulating coke like effect which was by no means what any of us described.

20:45 -> Personally feel a less apetite to speak to people, sometimes forcing myself to continue conversation and the words not coming out as naturally as they usually do (normally a very sociable person). Feeling reminded me of about minute 40 after a line of coke were youre stimulated but clear minded and feel like another line.

21:00 -> 2 members start feeling a little sleepy, however, I personally dont feel tired just a mellow warm feeling inside my body. (I have never tried any form of opioids.) While I wasnt finding it easy to find the right words to say, I didnt feel the need to as I felt happy inside. No stress or concern at other than noticing that the conversation has died down between the other members too.

21:10 -> Stand up to walk to the toilet and feel shaky. Friends stand up and we try move a little to some techno however doesnt last more than 10 minutes before we sit back down again. Once a friend mentioned he had an itchy nose, most members including myself felt the same feeling. This itchy nose remained present throughout the experience going and coming.

21:20 -> At this point all members have felt different degrees varying from one friend who felt close to nothing (but ate a big meal right before and had not felt shrooms one time in Amsterdam) to a friend who looked overwhelmed and super tired trying not to sleep (ate nothing all day working on an assignment.)

At this point only me and another friend felt what we would call pleasurable effects. This included a very warm fuzzy feeling inside our body. Difficult to describe as I have never felt this before but felt 0 concern and worry about anything in the world. No appetite to look at my mobile or really engage in much conversation although continued at points. I would have been more than happy to stay on the sofa as I felt I needed nothing more.

21:45 -> Mental clarity began coming back. While most of the experience was more of a body high as mentally I was present at all times, at this point mental clarity was more in tangent with being sober as I could think about certain issues like assignment deadline that in the peak of the trip were the least of my concerns.

22:00 -> Group decided that most of us werent feeling much and decided to redose with another 3g. At this point I personally only felt 15 minutes equivalant of a similar experience to before. This extra 3g had close to no effect on me.
This extra 3g had close to no effect on me.
After waiting another hour I decided to smoke a joint. Instantly felt stimulated to engage in conversation and had a really good time. Ordered food around 2 hours and unlike most of my freinds had a big appetite.

Note: One of my friends following the 3g redose at 10pm experienced nausea although he didnt smoke a joint.

Note: 1st time experience for all members

Conclusion: While it may have not been what the other members were looking for partially due to the expectations in which they entered taking Kratom, I personally really enjoyed it. Will definitely try again in the near future and experiment with lower doses mixed with caffeine as well as high doses. Personally feel there is more to gain from experiencing with this drug solo rather than a group. However, that is also relative on the expectations and vibe of the group itself.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114440
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 30, 2020Views: 991
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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