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Something Bizarre
Methamphetamine & Alcohol
Citation:   cons research. "Something Bizarre: An Experience with Methamphetamine & Alcohol (exp114486)". Sep 24, 2023.

  IV Methamphetamine (liquid)
  Many   Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I was at a birthday of my friend. Another buddy at this birthday said, that it’s possible to buy methamphetamine. I didn’t administer meth before and I wanted to try. I asked him for it. He said that if it’ll be available, he’ll provide it to me. The friend, who told me about methamphetamine called me one morning. He said that he has methamphetamine, and can drop in to me. After about 15 mins he knocked my door. I let him in. He said “This is not like heroin; you will not get such rush from it”. He took out a syringe filled with methamphetamine solution; I prepared my right arm for injection. He made an injection.

T +0:00: Next, I’d got a massive wave of energy into my head. Entire world became very beautiful. It was not visuals, but some color/perception changes – everything became more colorful and sharp. The effects were ever increasing. I was in heaven! There was in a little faint condition after a week of alcohol binge before, and now I was fully restored.

T +0:02: I was amazed with meth onset. I yelled “Wow! Wow! Wow! And you said this is not like heroin, you will not have a powerful rush from it?! It’s much much more powerful, that heroin! Heroin sucks!” The friend advised me to lay down back to my bed, relax and just enjoy this moment. He left my home and I closed the door behind him. Now I’m left alone in my home. I was filled with overwhelming energy and power. This power had been increasing and increasing. I lay down to my bed and tried to enjoy meth rush. It was a bit complicated, because I kept trying to do something, as stimulation from meth was forcing me to act.

T +0:30: The meth rush is done. I was fully charged and filled with power. I got out of bed and went to another room.

T +1:00: I stood in front of a mirror. Looked to my face and it was different. My eyebrows were heighted and face was shining with confidence. Curiously enough, I didn’t find my pupils extremely dilated, as was when I used MDMA (1-1,5 100 mg pills). This moment, all of my thoughts were about self-confidence. But, later another thought appeared – that I killed my confidence in my everyday life by myself – working on the work, that is much more below my capabilities, relating and friending with bad and abusing people and so on. And that I don’t need methamphetamine to be confident. I’d made a black hole in me by myself. I just needed to not make it bigger and not to put mental dirt to my head.

T +6:00: Then I remembered that methamphetamine has a reputation of a sex drug. I called to sauna and told that I need prostitutes. I said “I need a beautiful girl“. A sauna attendant asked me “What time you will arrive?” I said “I’m a neighbor to you, and its 5 mins required to go from my home to your sauna”. Next, I went to the sauna, bought more beer and sat in one sauna’s rooms waiting for prostitutes to come. When girls are come, I selected one of them. We were talking about various things. And sometimes the girl was looking on me very strange. Later, I realized that I was speaking something bizarre and my gestures also became somewhat strange. There were several moments when I was thinking about what was happening, but reality was very different.
I realized that I was speaking something bizarre and my gestures also became somewhat strange. There were several moments when I was thinking about what was happening, but reality was very different.
There were like shifts in my mind, that was seeing one picture of what’s going on, and next moment I’d seen another picture – what’s really was happening around me. It was just one such episode in entire trip. But later, I’d read on some forum, that meth actually can have such effects.

T +7:00: After that, I returned to home. I had strong urge for action, but didn’t want to make something intellectual. So, I went to the stall near my home to buy beer. I sat in my home for about 1 hour.

T +8:00: My mental state was somewhat changed this time. Even, I was thinking, that meth is coming down. I was disappointed. I didn’t want to meth to wear off. But, it was just alcohol effects, as its effects are opposite to stimulant effects of meth. After about 30 mins I’d got a new wave of meth effects.

T +12:00: Then, I called again to the same sauna and ordered a prostitute. The sauna attendant remembered me. She said “Ahh! Are you a “neighbor”?” “Yes”, - I asked. She told me, that I need to wait for about 1 hour. She was kind to me, and said “Last time girls were not very good. That time I’ll call another place, so they’ll provide much more pretty girls”. She’d make it, but I didn’t even ask her for it. I noticed these effects of stimulants several times, that some people become more kind to me, when I was under influence of stimulants. This time, the girls were really better than previous. We were drinking beer and f*cking. I was in sauna 2 hours, and then I returned home.

I didn’t sleep that night. I was in my home doing various things and drinking beer. I went to the stall near my home many times to buy more beer. All this time there was myriads of thoughts and ideas in my mind. Most of them were about how to correct my life.

T +36:00: I still experiencing strong stimulant effects. And again, I called to the same sauna. The same sauna attendant said “Ahh! You are a neighbor!” All repeated. So, I went to sauna 3-5 times in this trip. Every time drinking about 5-8 bottles of beer in the sauna. In sex I came only two times. Next night I also didn’t sleep. Again, I was drinking a lot of beer and thinking about various things.

I was in the state of meth stimulation for about 48 hours. After that was crash, but it was complicated by huge amount of alcohol that I consumed when was under influence of meth. I consumed much more alcohol, than without meth. Normally, I didn’t suffer from alcohol hangover, but this time hangover was hard.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 114486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 24, 2023Views: 18
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Methamphetamine (37) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), Hangover / Days After (46), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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