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Mild Confusion, Mildly Interesting
Voacanga africana
Citation:   WalterBenjamin. "Mild Confusion, Mildly Interesting: An Experience with Voacanga africana (exp114500)". Jun 30, 2020.

4 g oral Voacanga africana (dried)
At 7:30 am I ingested about 4 grams of bark powder on an empty stomach, helping myself with water to swallow it (it didn't taste good at all and didn't solve into water). I chose to start with a low dosage as I was unsure on the effects of this plant.

After about 1 hour I started feeling what I can only describe as a mild confusion, similar to the one that I feel when I have a headache (but without the pain in the head), that lasted for about 3 hours. I did a bit of meditation and my mind started making up long chains of brief thoughts. A random image would appear in my mind just to be followed by the next one, to which it was somehow related in an unconventional way (this is something I experience sometimes when I'm about to sleep in bed). After that I tried to study a bit, but found it more difficult than normal, as I struggled to grasp the meaning of what I read. I also noticed I was a bit slower to type things on my computer.

I experienced a bit of stomach ache but that might be due to the african food I had for dinner the prior night. No headache.
Overall my mind felt quite numb and confused, while my body (especially my arms) were kind of heavy.
Overall my mind felt quite numb and confused, while my body (especially my arms) were kind of heavy.
But it wasn't a strong feeling at all, as I was able to behave normally. By 11:30 I was back to normal, the confusion was gone.

It was a mildly interesting experience and I definitely want to try some higher doses. Probably I'll prepare an infusion the next time (as I didn't have a good time swallowing raw bark powder) and I'll drink it in a calm and chill evening at home, which seems the perfect setting for this plant.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114500
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 30, 2020Views: 1,307
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Voacanga africana (49) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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