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Soft Pats for Soft Cats
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Amphetamine
Citation:   RagTeam. "Soft Pats for Soft Cats: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Amphetamine (exp114507)". Nov 8, 2022.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:09 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:59 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 2:49 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 4:09   repeated insufflated Amphetamines
  T+ 10:19 30 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam
Husband ( 28 years old, 76 kgs, 5’11’’) and I ( 27 years old, 74 kgs, 5’10’’) started a bender weekender with the best of intentions. 

21:41 - Red Netflix Pill (Ecstasy) We each take a half - Having not previously had the pleasure of these naughty bois, we decide to move with caution.

22:50 - Red Netflix Pill (Ecstasy) We each take another half as the first tendrils of The Munt begin to creep in from the first dose.

23:40 - Red Netflix Pill (Ecstasy) Another Half Each gobbled down and chased with coconut juice. The high is now fully lifting our hearts and minds. Our bodies feel weightless and energised as a powerful but understated rush comes upon us. We draw ourselves closer and share our feelings of euphoric love.

00:30 - Red Netflix Pill (Ecstasy) halved and taken by each of us. The euphoria buoys us above social norms and we share secrets and love and passions with an honesty not normally open to us during sobriety.

01:50 - We pause from our deeply engaged chats to revel in the sheer waves of euphoria crashing through each of our bodies. A perfect opportunity to rack up some large lines of Amphetamine (Speed) which we eagerly insufflate.

02:20 - More speed is consumed to keep the good cheer flowing. By now the Ecstasy is fully riding our entire nervous systems and we have been sharing ideas like mad scientists for the past four hours solidly. We feel free and intimate and close.

03:40 - It is quite unanimously decided that trekking out to the nearby woods is simply the best idea. To prepare ourselves we cut us a couple mighty lines of Speed, gather our shoes and head out. Our energy levels are high.

04:15 - The walk is sublime, strolling through the trees just beginning to be lit by the dappled rays of the coming sunrise

05:50 - We do a single bump of speed each to prepare for the return journey.

08:00 - Back at the safety of our house we bring out the Valium and wash down 30mgs each with tonic water

09:10 - As the warm fuzzy blanket of Benzodiazepine goodness begins to wash over us we prepare for a rest well earned.

All in all this was a superb night. Everything we took seemed to balance and add its own brand of wonder to the evening.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114507
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 8, 2022Views: 430
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MDMA (3), Amphetamines (6) : Relationships (44), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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