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Use of 'Fake' Carts Over Time
Cannabis (extract & flower)
by fvr
Citation:   fvr. "Use of 'Fake' Carts Over Time: An Experience with Cannabis (extract & flower) (exp114512)". Jul 16, 2020.

  vaporized Cannabis (extract)
    vaporized Cannabis (flowers)
Over a few short years it is fair to say that I have smoked a good amount of weed. Although flower is the much preferred method of smoking as far as quality of experience, weed cartridges were available from the first time I smoked weed, when I was 15. As time went on I've tried my fair share of carts and seen the change in the market that there is for them, and just a general review of them. I believe around 2017/2018, when carts were usually only at dispensaries, and costed $70. They were expensive, but I believed them to be safe. Slowly, the price of them began to drop as more and more people began to create their own carts, many independant and underground producers emerge, and prices and quality of carts dropped. I could find these fake carts usually for sale for 15-20-25$ from a large number or plugs under many different band names. Carts are leaky, in cheap reflective and colorful boxes. People began to get hurt and go to the hospital from these carts at some point, from lung problems, and thats when I learned about the dangers involved with them, and did not buy any more.

As far as the experience from these cheap carts, it is much worse than good weed. I'm sure its not healthy for your lungs at all, but I did not experience any bad effects besides the very harsh hits from these carts, but that is how it is with every cart until you are used to it. The high from them is much more confusing, and sometimes feels like I am losing my thoughts rather than gaining them like a normal high. Its more of a, I'm fucked up and need to sleep soon high, than a calm relaxing high like with usual weed. It can still be good, but usually puts me in a state where I am very tired and feel lethargic and lazy if I smoke a lot. This sedating effect comes out way more in high doses, where it can almost knock me into a coma in a couple hours if I smoke a lot. It was a lot more difficult to be productive and sometimes felt like it was slowing me down. These carts began to be made in cheap knockoff brands, and fake branded carts. Today (2020), I know not to buy these fake carts, I can spot the real ones. Theres currently still a lot of fakes on the market, but in California there are now a lot of suppliers selling real ones (approx. 25$,same price as the old fakes, as supply is high so they are cheap). To try to avoid buying a fake cart, [I look for] usually thick, slow moving oil, light yellow color, no residue on the glass walls of the cart as the oil is burned, usually with a nice distillate it will have a strong sweetish smell, as it will have a lot of terps, but this is not the case with all. If I want to stay safe 100%, I buy stuff thats branded or from a dispensary.

As far as the high with the real carts, it feels cleaner, more similar to weed but definately more of a head buzz. It is not as confusing and does not make me feel semi-stupid like the fake carts. To me and many other people I have talked to and shared experiences with, this is defintely true, but some people might be different. Taste of real carts is usually much better, with some fake carts having horrible taste, but a lot of fake carts taste very good, almost sweet.

Exp Year: 2017-2020ExpID: 114512
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 16, 2020Views: 636
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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