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I'm Unable to Pinpoint the Culprit
Cannabis, Nicotine & Kratom / DMT & Cocaine
Citation:   psychedelia710. "I'm Unable to Pinpoint the Culprit: An Experience with Cannabis, Nicotine & Kratom / DMT & Cocaine (exp114519)". Jun 19, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 mg vaporized DMT  
  T+ 0:00 4 bumps insufflated Cocaine  
  T+ 0:00   repeated vaporized Nicotine  
  T+ 0:00   repeated vaporized Cannabis - Hash (extract)
  T+ 48:00 2600 mg oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 48:00   repeated vaporized Nicotine  
  T+ 48:00 1 hit vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Positive Effects From Cocaine or DMT

The follow report describes a strange experience in regards to tolerance to drugs, something I'm unable to pinpoint the culprit at this point in time.

In a nutshell to describe my habits I smoke hash oil and tobacco products every day. Usually e-cigarettes, occasional cigarette. I take Kratom off and on, maybe every 3-4 days on average. I've had a gram of DMT that I hit maybe every 2-4 weeks. Before recently the last time I tried cocaine was about 7 or 8 years ago. I honestly didn't like it and it put it at the bottom of my list of preferred substances.

I did know the coke I had was "stepped on" quite a bit when told about my experiences to my friends. They had just picked some up off a friend for 70$ a gram, and reassured me they could absolutely tell this was very high quality fish scale cocaine, and that if I wanted to give real coke a try, I should indulge because they said the negative side effects would be lessened.

Since this was stronger cocaine, I proceeded to treat it as such. Before using cocaine, I ingested a small amount of DMT through a dab rig, just enough to give some close eye visuals and give a positive change in perception. Nothing like a real heavy dose experience. I tested a small amount of cocaine to rub on my gums, and they were instantaneously numb and the numbness rapidly spread around my mouth. The taste was not unpleasant. This was a sign right away to me this was decent stuff at minimum.

I proceeded to try an amount closer to a bump. Instantly, I could feel my heart beat pick up, and I chatted it up with a lady next to me who had been snorting lines too. We kindly exchanged dabs of hash oil between with each other, and had pleasant conversations. I went out and smoked a cigarette, and after a good hour or so, began to wear down.

I'm always adverted to the negative effects of cocaine, particularly on the heart. I tried alternating nostrils, and figured I'd also clean out my nostrils with clean water once I was finished. And wait to redose after starting to come down. I decided to split a real line this time into 3 bumps, and snorted them within 5 minutes.

Waves of pleasure rushed through my body. I could definitely feel an elevation in blood pressure. Instead of excessive chattiness, I was stimulated, but also calm at the same time. My sex drive heightened, and I could feel very in tune to my desires, which was pleasant. It was late at night, and decided I had reached the full potential before unpleasant overdose / high dose effects could take place, and that this would be enough for me. I've felt a come down from cocaine in the past with an ugly crash, and was waiting for the inevitable. This time, the crash was rather mild at best. I just felt a slightly dull headache and went to bed probably 2.5 hours after my last dose just fine. I woke up rather fine the next morning. These effects strongly contrasted to the "stepped on" versions in the past, with a strong crash and a heavy "fiending" experience the entire time. I had and have no compulsive desire to repeat the experience.

It's now been 3 days since I used it, and yesterday was one of the strangest experiences off drugs that took my by utter surprise.

I had started off my day like normal. Got to doing chores and whatnot. By the afternoon, my buddy calls me up to try out his new dab rig he got while he was cooking up edibles. Earlier in the day, I ingested 4 capsules of Kratom. I've ingested much more at once from the bottle, so this amount was light and functional to me. On the way there, I smoked out of my e-cigarette like usual when I drive, and had done so earlier in the day at home also. When I got there, I tried some old Purple Punch diamond sauce that I gave to him several months ago. I took a large dab out of the rig, and what happened blew me away with shock.

I coughed after that dab, as usual when I take a larger dab (I usually have at least one or two large rips a day), and I immediately noticed I felt like my body felt like jello, with slight nausea. My buddy started making PB n J sandwiches before, and I told him to hold off I needed to lie down in silence. I lied down on his couch where I proceeded to have an experience as intense as a stronger mushroom trip. Of course the visuals were not the same or prominent, but I had strong ideas about what was going on in my life, lessening my bad habits, and overall positive messages for a better mindset. I felt unpleasantly weighed down and out of it like the strong weed experiences I had when I was first trying it in high school. It was like I ate an obnoxiously strong edible. I could not for the life of me figure out why 1 dab got me this toasted. I almost felt like puking, but when I got to the bathroom I noticed the cold floor felt amazing and that I was mildly overheated. I washed my face and neck with cold water and instantly felt better. I proceeded to have a normal time with my friend after that, ate my sandwich, and left a couple hours later when he had to depart. I felt relatively normal at the time and was okay to drive.

I went to a nearby casino for a late lunch, and ate a taco salad. Immediately after eating, I felt like a large weight was placed on my head, felt very tired, and proceeded to drive home normally without difficulty.

I lied down on the couch after getting home and passed out at 8 PM, 4 hours earlier than I normally did. I woke up the next day (today) at 5 AM wide awake, and the sleep I had was more close to the sleep I felt when I was a child. Very restful yet intense. I woke up and hit my e-cigarette, and needed very little, as the effects from this also feel stronger.

I can't pinpoint a culprit as to what's going on here, but the only two substances that stand out are either the cocaine or DMT, or both? that I had used 3 days ago. I suppose it's not a bad thing that my tolerance to seemingly everything dropped out of nowhere, but I can't figure out what the culprit is. It's taken me by extreme surprise, because I've never experienced anything like this.

Scientists should study either cocaine being used in small controlled single dosages, the study of DMT on the tolerances of drugs, or the combination of the two. I've dabbed older stuff before, and had nothing like this happen to me.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114519
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jun 19, 2021Views: 686
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Cannabis (1) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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