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Lack of Sedation
Clobazam, Doxylamine & Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone)
Citation:   Dionysus Zane. "Lack of Sedation: An Experience with Clobazam, Doxylamine & Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone) (exp114529)". Oct 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Clobazam  
  T+ 0:50 75 mg oral Pharms - Doxylamine  
  T+ 0:00     Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
Impresive Entry Level Benzodiazepine

I've been using both recreational and pharmaceutical drugs for almost a decade, some of which have been prescribed for genuine mental health problems (my Lexapro for example), physical injury (had a high speed motorcycle accident) among other general ailments that seem to affect human beings both physiologically and psychologically.

I have experimented and at times played the devils game with practically every drug under the sun with a few exceptions in regards to hallucinogenics. I also hold a masters degree in pharmaceutical sciences which, upon graduating I received a lifetime subscription of the MIMS as well as a copy of DSM-5, both have aided in my experimentation, research and reporting of my many experiences, anyway....

After a brief telephone consult with a doctor (not my regular one as I was unable to get in for another week or so) I filled him in on my situation and ended up obtaining a box of 50 x 10mg Clobazam (Brand name Frisium), while I intend to reserve a small portion of these to curve my anxiety and nervousness associated with my mental health issues until I am able to see my regular doc. For the sake of dosing I'll just add that in terms of equivalency 20mg of Clobazam is equal to 10mg diazepam, though as benzodiazepines users know equivalency does not always accurately distinguish the overall effects as some benzodiazepines are far more hypnotic than anxyiolotic and visa versa, I personally prefer hypnotic Benzodiazepines more as they, at least in my experience, offer a better body load and more euphoria.

No other drugs had been used on this day, bar my Suboxone which I have been on for quite a number of years and at the same dose, so I have chosen to disregard this as interactive variable, though I did include a small dose of doxylamine to potentiate (I do not condone this as it is unsafe and may lead to further complications incl respiratory depression).

T - 0hrs
Took 10 x 10mg Clobazam. The pills are quite small and I had no issue washing them down with a can of Dr pepper, though they are extremely bitter tasting - on par with something like alprazolam.

T - 15min

As Clobazam is rather fast acting, but also long lasting. I began feeling some slight relaxing of my neck and shoulder muscles, which following a very tense day a was refreshing and it had felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and left me feeling far less ‘high strung’

T -30min

Taking into account my reasonably high benzo tolerance, at the 30 minute mark I definitely began to feel the Clobazam alleviating my anxiety, comparable to a decent dose of Diazepam but also offering the kind of snap out of it release I would expect from around 3-4mg of (Lorazepam).

T - 45min

Clobazam definitely falls under the category of an anxyiolotic, offering very little hypnotic value and other than some definite release of tension does not hit me suddenly and noticeably, this being said I feel quite good, having substantially improving my mood. The general “feeling” of this drug itself is almost identical to Diazepam while being very different at the same time, its hard to explain, Its almost as if Lorazepam and Diazepam’s love child.

T -60min

At this point I believe the Clobazam has reached peak blood plasma levels, and at around the 50 minute mark I decided to reach for the Doxylamine and take 75mg ( 3 x 25mg ) as clobazam seems to offer little if ANY sedation
clobazam seems to offer little if ANY sedation
whatsoever, this leads me to believe it would make for great daytime anxiety relief. I wont yet say its disappointing as it has only been an hour and we cannot forget the illusion of sobriety drugs of this nature can cause, general feeling of well being still present.

T - 90min

It was at this point in time I noticed some mild euphoria. For the sake of reference the euphoria is very reminiscent of Temazepam though not quite as prevalent. The doxylamine has offered a nice aspect of sedation definitely having potentiated the Clobazam but without overpowering it, as a quick PSA - sedating antihistamines should not generally be mixed with these kinds of drugs.

T - 120min

The euphoria has since subsided while the anxiety relief and muscle relaxation continues, having lost little to no effect, the high definitely peaked around the 45-60min mark, over the next couple of hours I slowly returned to baseline and by around the 4-6hr mark was left with a general sense of welbeing and positive mood, I eventually retired to bed for the nigh and slept great, as the half life of Clobazam is very long, the lift in mood and sense of calm lasted into late morning of the following day, no negative side effects were noted and after a cup of coffee I had no problem focusing or going about my regular duties the following day.

In summary -

Clobazam is nothing special, Its not something I would go out of my way for and definitely not something I would choose over other/better well known benzos, Clobazams defining feature is the sedation free high, I also noticed little to no need to compulsively redose though if this was due to the doxylamine or the clobazam itself I cannot say for certain.

I will definitely be finishing off the rest of my box. I've scored the overall experience bellow out of 10, without taking into account my preference for hypnotics.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 20, 2020Views: 1,489
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Clobazam (759), Pharms - Doxylamine (343) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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