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The Breakthrough
Citation:   Bianca. "The Breakthrough: An Experience with DMT (exp114534)". Jun 29, 2020.

2 hits smoked DMT
It had been over a month since my first DMT experience. During this period I have had over a dozen really beautiful trips. I had also been doing a lot of reading about the subject and came to the conclusion I must be doing something wrong, because I didn’t yet have a breakthrough. According to several others, the place where I had been is called the ‘waiting room’. After a long search I came to the conclusion that I can breathe through my mouth and my nose simultaneously. So I was inhaling too much oxygen and only a little bit of DMT. So I decided to keep my nostrils closed next time.

The Setting.
It was a Thursday evening, April 14, 2016, eleven o’clock. My partner and I were in our bedroom. He assisted me with the vaporizing of the DMT. So I kept my nostrils closed with my fingers and breathed in… In a few seconds everything in the room started changing shape very rapidly. So I decided one hit would probably be enough. I had very beautiful visuals with a lot of light and colors in them. But still no breakthrough. I should have taken a second hit. I felt disappointed. So I went to our living room and helped my partner with his trip.

It was around midnight that I decided I wanted to go in a second time, this time making sure I would take the second hit. So I took the first hit, held it in for a while, breathed out and took the second hit. And there it was! I was completely blown away, catapulted into the great unknown… I was travelling through a tunnel of light, formed by al the stars in the universe. It was like I was being stripped down to the core. Several layers where brutally torn off of me, I could hear the ripping sound of it. I produced a sound and it seemed like it was stretched endlessly… And I became this vibration… my total physical being dissolved into a million fragments… time and space no longer existed.

The stars in the tunnel turned into a film strip filled with pictures of EVERYTHING that existed. I encountered my biggest fears and for a moment I thought I was going to die… I remember I tried holding on to my partner's arm, but it felt like a balloon that was swelling and I realized I was no longer able to feel anything physical. It was immensely scary, terrifying even. I thought I might not be able to return… until I became everything and everything became me, a feeling of love and oneness with the universe and Mother Nature. A rollercoaster of emotions went on endlessly, it felt like forever.
A rollercoaster of emotions went on endlessly, it felt like forever.
All the sadness and pain were wrapped in this warm blanket of love. It felt like being born again. My soul was a spark of light, drawn to a luminous angel-like being, it felt like coming home… it was so emotional I felt like exploding with love!

Then everything just stood still for a single moment, and then it went in rewind. All the layers were overlapping and I was so happy to hear the music that had been playing the whole time. I did get sucked back in for several times, it was rather difficult to get my whole being back together, being able to move again. And I was so thankful for being inside my body. To be able to see, hear, move, feel, taste, smell, speak, and breathe… life is a miracle and I am so happy to be alive! Everything is just perfect!!!
Definitely life-changing experience! So thankful for this!

The days after.
I was driving to work the next morning. I was so full of energy. In the car, I listened to Enigma’s ‘Adiemus’. I looked at the clouds, the sun was bursting through. I could feel the warmth on my face. And I felt so complete, so happy, and I smiled. I still couldn’t believe I finally had a breakthrough! It filled me with so much love, and while I was looking at the trees, the grass and the birds I felt a tingling sensation that started in the tips of my toes, went through my legs, into my spine and ending in the center of my head. This happened every time I was driving in my car, which was like about ten times that Friday.

I also noticed a shift in my mental status. I felt like I could handle all the things that came towards me, no longer seeing it as problems, but just information that passed through me. Stress seemed to be a thing of the past. The day at work went by so fast, because I was so energetic! A person at work said my energy was contagious, he felt lifted by my presence. Wonderful!

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 114534
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Jun 29, 2020Views: 885
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DMT (18) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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