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The Great Southern Trendkill
Citation:   The Expert Kinda. "The Great Southern Trendkill: An Experience with Cannabis (exp114559)". Jan 25, 2022.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
The day was just like any normal day for me... Until I heard my father was making pot brownies. Being the kind of person I am, I immediately started mapping out a rough plan. I sneaked into the kitchen at roughly 12 am, nabbing a brownie whilst strategically cutting off more so that it looked as if none was missing. Afterwards, I hid the brownies in my bedroom desk and went to bed, which was slightly difficult due to my excitement.

I awoke at about 7 A.M, then, checking if the coast was clear, downed the brownie in the bathroom. Retrospectively, had I known what followed, I would've had a light snack beforehand. After eating the edible, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, sprayed perfume on myself, and went back to bed for another hour.

When I woke up, shit really hit the fan. As I stood up, I felt like I was spinning. Kind of like I was rocking side to side. This alone wasn't much, but I also felt as if I was lagging, like I had low fps. It was sort of like that one sequence in "Great Days" where the main cast was walking in an odd sort of way, or when Diavolo was first hit by GER. Whenever I moved, I felt like I was a second behind, so to speak. Additionally, I felt a heaviness in my body. As I usually do while high, my first move was to swing on my backyard swingset whilst listening to music. The music, however, felt different. The sound seemed really low quality and felt heavy in my ears as I swung back and forth. Since this, coupled with the heaviness, felt awkward, I went back inside.

After roughly 30-45 minutes, I was almost peaking, due to the fact that my stomach was empty. I was hallucinating rings of color, the room seemed to be zooming in and out, the taste of berry motrin lingered in my dry mouth, and I occasionally heard choirs of angels in my head. I wasn't panicked, as I was aware of how high I was, but I was paranoid that my parents would find out. I lied in bed for a bit longer, trying to really 'experience' my high, but then I quickly looked up how to sober up quickly. Heeding the instructions, I quickly ran to the kitchen and sniffed some black pepper, which did help me sober up. When I got back to my room, I decided it would be best to try and take a nap, so that I would be less high when I woke up. This was easier said than done, because whether my heart rate was beating really fast, or if I was hallucinating that as well, sleep was hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to take a nap. When I woke up roughly 2-3 hours later, I didn't really feel that high anymore.

I barely had any euphoria and I was simply a bit sluggish. Afterwards, I went plant shopping with my mom, who still didn't suspect a thing.

In conclusion, it was an alright experience. Had I eaten something, I would've not peaked as harshly and the high would've lasted longer. While I had gotten high on other substances prior to this "escapade," I was never this high. This helped me learn what a more intense high was like, which I'm certain that I won't forget about.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114559
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jan 25, 2022Views: 366
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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