Mindblowing Effects
Citation:   Finnonaut. "Mindblowing Effects: An Experience with 25i-NBOMe (exp114572)". Erowid.org. Jul 23, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114572

1500 ug buccal 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Minor tiny mistakes can be found since english is my second language.

My scary and intense experience of trying a hallucinogen for the third time back when I was much younger, almost a kid.

I had never taken a dose this big before. I had lots of respect, some fear and much information gathered ready for this substance and I was willing to take one full blotter instead of the halves before that did not do anything worth being reported. This chemical, NBOMe, was closest to LSD we were able to get back then.

There was a friday house party set up for quite many teenager people and we all knew each other from way back. I loved to drink alchohol with many memorable people from my childhood. Place was a nice small apartment, music somewhat loud, loud laughs, talk etc. All the others did not do drugs, even weed, but drank often. Me and two friends drove to pick up the chemical and I felt excited and anxious once I ingested it by putting it under my lip. One friend did the same. The taste was horribly metallic. It was like licking a battery. A bit frightening taste reminding that it was powerful stuff. I liked the apprehension. We drove back to the party.

I stepped outside of the car and now I got to feel a big joy. I felt clear and bright inside my head and I saw everything moving. The whole yard and driveway was like a bedsheet moving gently by the wind. Beautiful and very exciting. No fear! Inside I greeted people and saw they were enjoying themselves and looking well. These were not stupid people and they would get only really rarely angry when drunk or bring anything negative likewise with them. I do still do not recommend this type of setting for a strong psychedelic journey.

Now I'll write all about the effects that lasted for 6 hours before milding down to almost nothing.

Oh god. This stuff was visual beyond my read knowledge of the substance. A painting with a moon would appear to me as if changing from day to night, night to day in a 3 second cycle. The moon went down and sun got up. Friend giving me water to calm me down after saying I'm scared looked like he was suddenly 67 years older. Everything moved and some objects were twisting around like a clown. I could see music. It floated around the room and appeared as thin neon blue waving strings. Euphoria. I believe I am at loss of words when trying to explain what I felt. I've always had rich imagination and now I felt this substance controlled it and took the unimaginable to my very imagination. I felt separated from my mind and my imagination and just observed the mad twist the blotter did to me. I had trouble communicating to people cause their thinking was booze thinking and my thinking was alien beyond any dreams. Back then I was addicted to smoking. The smoke would wave around like in a "twixtor" video editor effect I've seen. It was beautiful. Everything physical did something psychedelic and some of it I could not explain.

Sadly, the effect was scary and unpleasant. I could not understand people and things happening very well or communicate. I felt I had been dragged to observe the real world from afar. Like a ghost. A lonely place. This was because it really messed with my mind. Temporal insanity. If one can handle it, it is a really fascinating experience. Tough in a setting like this, believe me. I totally missed the social part of the night and was inside my own head and new reality the whole time before coming down. It altered my consciousness in such a strong and dramatic way that I felt like I had lost.

What others probably saw was me being inside my own reality because I told them that it would go so. I felt it would happen like that before the peak of intensity. They were interested but I told them to not communicate with me.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 114572
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jul 23, 2020Views: 820
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25I-NBOMe (542) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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