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Mental Relaxation
Butalbital with Acetaminophen & Cigarettes
Citation:   Codeine Cowboy . "Mental Relaxation: An Experience with Butalbital with Acetaminophen & Cigarettes (exp114600)". Sep 21, 2023.

300 mg oral Butalbital (pill / tablet)
  1.8 g oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
  Repeated joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I’ve done at least one drug from every major category (Opiates, Benzos, Psychedelics, amphetamines, etc.) and was always interested in barbiturates; the last, albeit pedestrian, category I haven’t tried. I finally got my hands on Butalbital from my friends past prescription and after much research I decided 6 50mg butal/ 300 mg acetaminophen was a good dose to achieve the high I was looking for.

00:00 I take the 6 tablets by chewing them slightly and swallowing with water after having eaten 3.5 hours before at 10 pm.

00:20 Start noticing a slight relaxing of the body and mind wash over me as I lay and scroll.

00:45 Starting to feel very pretty relaxed like small Xanax high where anxiety is washed away mixed with a small hydrocodone high with a fairly relaxed body all over. Also sense of warmth has become very apparent.

01:15 Go outside for a few cigarettes as I am a heavy smoker. I sit down and light a cigarette while watching music videos and am totally relaxed and worry free. Despite the physical and mental relaxation my mind is wondering off to different ponder and eventually research many random thoughts I’ve never really wondered about, none of these thoughts being connected
Despite the physical and mental relaxation my mind is wondering off to different ponder and eventually research many random thoughts I’ve never really wondered about, none of these thoughts being connected
whatsoever. (An example, did freeway speed limit signs gradually increase as cars became capable of high speeds?)

02:00 Just beginning to notice I have been chain smoking heavier than usual and genuinely enjoying my simultaneous music and random thought rabbit holes and still feeling just overall very content and relaxed.

2:30 I’m becoming sleepy and decide to wrap up my binge smoking and head back inside. Walking and moving through doors is slightly more difficult due to my loose and slightly out of control body, a lot like a light buzz from drinking when you stand up suddenly.

3:30 I took a shower and listened to music on my speaker and didn’t want to get out because I felt so good in the warm water listening to music.

3:45 Time for bed. Laying in my bed, my body feels heavy and my mind is ready to pass out, I assume because of the sedative effects.

Wake up in the morning feeling slightly groggy but nothing a coffee and cigarette can’t fix. Overall the experience was less than I expected. Thanks so much for your time and happy using!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114600
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 21, 2023Views: 19
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Butalbital (576), Acetaminophen (337), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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