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Different Shades of Oneness
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   AbsoluteDisconnect. "Different Shades of Oneness: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp114612)". Aug 4, 2020.

25 mg smoked DMT
    smoked Cannabis
My previous experience with psychedelics only comes from three lower-dose DMT experiences, of which two were positive, but one kept me inside of a room with a stern entity who showed me that I needed to prepare fully for my next time. This trip report outlines that "next time".

As for set and setting, I was in a very neutral, maybe even mildly positive headspace, and had tried my very best to be productive and positive the days leading up to this experience to remove as much negative energy as possible. This was conducted in my bedroom with the only light on being a very dim salt lamp which was on to provide enough light to see the actual apparatus of intake. The intent was simply to have the substance show me what it may, with the slight hope of ego dissolution, which I believe I received in spades.

My original plan was 40mg in a dab rig, but I had not properly heated my quartz heating element initially, so the first attempt ended in failure, perhaps by fate, perhaps by simple inexperience with the substance and heating quartz. Following this failure, I decided to attempt the sandwich method, which I was able to succeed with by placing a brass screen over the bowl, placing the spice on the screen, and layering cannabis to fully cover the spice, requiring only one layer of herb rather than two. I then ignited the herb, inhaled as I would a regular bong hit, and held the breath in as long as possible.

After about ten seconds reality was very quickly and intensely morphing apart, so I placed the lighter down and went as fast as I could into bed in a comfortable position. I close my eyes and incomprehensibly complex geometry the likes of which I had never seen in any other experience of mine appeared, after which a slight wave of fear ran over me, but knowing that submitting to the experience was what I was required to do, I willingly gave up my self and as soon as this happened my existence dissolved away. Throughout the experience, the way my ego operated is that my ego dissolved for a time, I see the visions, and then come back into my body for a few seconds, only to dissolve again into infinitely many worlds and visions.

The scenery past this point is what I believe to be a legitimate breakthrough, as all conception of time, reality as we know it, and memories are rendered null and void, while the perceived amount of time spent in this state was indefinite, experiencing an existence that is almost completely ineffable. From what I remember, one of the first experiences was like being in the womb again, feeling like an embryo with no conception of any abstract thought, with the only constant sound around being my heartbeat, and not being able to distinguish inner and outer worlds. I interpreted this vision as a very uniquely human oneness.

The next imagery was very similar, except instead of an embryo, it was a unit in a singular hive-mind consciousness, and what I can only assume to be my ego attempting to fight to regain control caused another wave of fear, and I again submitted to the experience and became one with this universal consciousness, and the thoughts of the ego shortened and again dissolved into nothingness, which I interpreted as a darker kind of oneness, probably because of the fear tied to the vision. I then flew out into another tunnel of this new dimension, with intensely colorful and multidimensional diamond-shaped fractals passing my view until I reach a sort of core with a seemingly divine being, after which point I experience another oneness, but one without any other external sense of identity, with the melting away of myself ending up coinciding with a bright green light becoming more and more vibrant until an experience of absolute unity with the entire universe and a following sense of euphoria followed. Following this I slowly returned back into this reality, although still quite able to traverse the DMT realm.

The previously described experiences lasted the span of eight minutes, based on me checking the clock before and after. After I came to slightly more, I had more of a foot in this reality than the DMT reality, allowing myself to turn on voice recording, and still speak more vividly of that dimension. What I ended up saying was something along the lines of, "I'm god, everything is god, I am everything, everything is life, everything there is is life," and so on. Following this, my ego kept phasing in and out, where I go back to that previous state of oneness, this time joined with multiple divine beings composed of the same geometry, and with less intense of a feeling of oneness while still being relatively connected to this world. I relive this cycle about two to three times, always repeating that everything is life and life is everything. Near the end of the experience I perceived infinitely many small entities embracing me and making me feel loved unconditionally.

Following that milder state, which had lasted a further seven minutes, I was mostly back in this reality, but still experiencing afterglow geometry and a headspace still somewhat akin to the DMT realm. I then recorded another five minutes of me talking through the experience, describing much of what has already been said in the report. Within the next hour or so, I had come back to this reality fully, and was only feeling the effects of the cannabis, which were peaking at around this time.

Overall this was a very transformative and positive experience, and has changed my perspective on how everything in this world interacts and how similar we really are with the rest of reality. The only thing that sets us apart is the ego, and our very consciousness itself, but even taking one layer off of the nature of your consciousness brings you that much closer to the rest of the universe. Additionally, there was much more to the trip than what I have described, but those sections are both indescribable and impossible to remember, akin to the phrase, "knowledge that if you brought back, your understanding of reality would fundamentally change." Ultimately, much of the experience is impossible to remember for anyone, but I believe that what I brought back was incredibly profound and valuable information.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 4, 2020Views: 679
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DMT (18) : Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), Personal Preparation (45), General (1), Alone (16)

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