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Don't You Want to Know Who You Are!
by Syed
Citation:   Syed. "Don't You Want to Know Who You Are!: An Experience with LSD (exp114643)". Aug 16, 2020.

0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Still have not come to grips with my first LSD trip.

Took half a tab at 10:55. Trip started at 11:25 (In 30 minutes). There was a feeling of intensifying perception in electrifying brain waves. The sense of serenity and the state of bliss/enlightenment was so profound. Felt God within and believe it is in each one of us. The trip was long and satisfying with deep profound insights.

The mind was racing, it felt as if the cobwebs of the mind had suddenly cleared and some always existing hidden powers of the brain unleashed. My eyes saw the brightness increase around me and I felt the raw horsepower of my mind galloping like a stallion. Within 2 hours of taking the tab, I felt an enhanced functioning of my brain which gave me amazing insights.

My emotions were in full control - no fear, no pain, no procrastination, no anxiety. The entire world's wealth and power held no meaning to me as compared to the state of being that I was in.
The entire world's wealth and power held no meaning to me as compared to the state of being that I was in.
Pure bliss and serenity. I was consciousness itself.

I felt that I was witnessing the truth. I felt what being naked felt like. With no illusions of who I was, stripped of my identity with regards to religion, wealth, relationships, power, I experienced the core of who I was. I felt that I was part of a bigger consciousness and that I was everyone else and everyone else was me. I felt compassionate about everyone and everything and felt that it was impossible for me not to forgive anyone who had transgressed me. Saw that people lived in enormous and unnecessary pain and suffering. I saw the system the mortal world had created and felt that the the worldly powers that be will never ever legalize psychedelics. For they are insecure, afraid of their position, if and when the masses see the TRUTH.

There is enhanced visual perception = normal x 100. It was like actually opening my eyes for the first time since I was born. I became awake.

I felt we deserve this state of enlightenment only when we have rid ourselves of pettiness, characteristic of humans.

Mere mortals reaching for the heavens. Their audacity! Their restlessness! Their undying curiosity!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Aug 16, 2020Views: 802
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