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Energy for Everything Else but Actual Work
Citation:   Blank. "Energy for Everything Else but Actual Work: An Experience with Isopropylphenidate (exp114647)". Aug 15, 2020.

3 - 5 mg oral Isopropylphenidate (powder / crystals)
"Ritalin" for People Without ADHD

Background: All substances I have ever consumed were for specific desired effects, I do not consider myself a recreational user to enhance activities/looking for a good time. For the past couple weeks/month I have primarily taken 10mg of ritalin daily (IR 5mg morning/ 5mg evening). For the past 3 days I have been on 30mg of 3-FMA.
For the past couple weeks/month I have primarily taken 10mg of ritalin daily (IR 5mg morning/ 5mg evening). For the past 3 days I have been on 30mg of 3-FMA.

T:00 ~3-5mg ingested, a milligram scale was used, but its reliability is questionable I trust this scale for repeated measurements of +- 5mg (weigh object, lift off, repeat), but it does not take kindly to weighing after a small tray is tared and powder begins to accumulate, often after 10-15mg is added, it will then start updating the weight which I find to be +-5mg of its advertised +-2mg

T:10 Nothing felt yet, I am still feeling low on motivation/sleepy. Its best described as having energy for everything else but actual beneficial work. I can browse reddit without sleep, but 5min into trying to study and all of a sudden I want to call it a day, think about sleeping early today and just trying again tomorrow.

T:60 I am back from a meal, I haven't ate in 6 hours and feeling a lot better, maybe its kicked in, maybe the food but I am noticing there is no body load compared to 5mg of ritalin.

I am now writing this from memory 3 days after this experience. After I had eaten I decided with the time I had left in the day to accomplish some tasks. I think there is potential in IPPH. It is definitely stimulating with less body load than ritalin. The amount I took was probably insufficient to properly gauge its effects.

I started to hate ritalin with a passion, mainly because there is a lot of jitteryness with it and it makes me drowsy at times. It was the only stimulant I had at the time to attempt to be somewhat productive but it was a poor option. When taking higher doses 10mg IR, there is just too much stimulation and not enough focus, there is also more body load from feeling anxious/jittery just general restlessness.

I find ritalin makes me sleepy. I find low doses of adderall do the same to me, I have great power naps on adderall.

IPPH should be revisited at a higher dose, It is now a potential runner up for 3-FMA for me. This substance feels like what ritalin tried to be

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114647
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 15, 2020Views: 1,732
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