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Xmas Gnomes
Salvia divinorum (6X Extract)
Citation:   Ayzyr. "Xmas Gnomes: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (6X Extract) (exp11469)". Erowid.org. Jul 9, 2019. erowid.org/exp/11469

1.5 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 6x)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Today is the day after Xmas 2001. It has been a typical series of days building up to the holidays, and a normal Xmas with the family. I spent the day blowing money that I had gotten for Xmas and shopping in the malls and stores of Denver. It was around midnight, and I had been planning on smoking the Salvia all day, so before I delved in, I cleared my mind and gained focus for my experience. I have tripped four times before on Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms, so I know what to expect for the onset of the experience, and I could only hope for that sort of feeling to rush over me when smoking the Salvia. I packed my pipe with two generous pinches of the Salvia, which I acquired from my friend, which is 6X. This was the second time that I have smoked the SD, and the first time was a huge let-down...pretty much just put me to sleep. So needless to say, I wasn't expecting much to happen from this experience. However, contrary to my expectations, this was a very intense experience, and considering that this happened less than an hour ago, I am still sorting through the series of events and trying to find meaning...hopefully this will happen as I am writing this review. After packing my pipe, I bundled up (I live in the Colorado mountains, so it is quite chilly outside this time of year), and went outside onto my deck. I put on the house's Xmas lights, which are red, and sat down at the table. It was cold, but the red light cast beautiful shadows upon everything, and I thought that this would be a perfect location for me to flare up and take off. I lit the Salvia and inhaled deeply. After taking one massive hit, I held in the smoke for about 20 seconds or so and...


...I notice one particular shadow on the side of the house from the Xmas lights...it is triangular. At the same time I feel myself slouching over to the left to compensate for this PULLING, something is pulling me to the side and I am still focusing on the triangular shadow now PINK and so straight edged the shadow it is so straight and the grain of the wood it is writhing, not moving, but textured so deeply like a carving into a once uniformly flat surface. The shadow begins to move, and its naighboring shadows and the lights SO RED they begin to arc upwards and to the left, and then they
and begin to curve downward...like a candy cane! 'come on' I hear a voice...'come on come on' urges a womanly voice, like a mother sternly convincing her child that they must leave. 'let's go' it says, and all the while I am staring at the side of the house, and all the while my left hand is clenched SO TiGhTlY around my pipe on the table, and my fingernails are digging into the wood. The lights and RED shadows cease their arching and I see SHOES. Shoes? This makes no sense I see shoes in the shadows and they are pink and they are wood and I say 'shoes' and I say it again, and it makes no sense and I begin to look to my right...towards my backyard. I see trees, many trees so tall so PINK from the lights and I can only see so many because the light is not very strong. The stone patio and everything EVERYTHING for that matter is cartoon-like. 'come on' the voice persists so I stand up and walk off my deck onto the stone patio and the stones are so PERFECT, they are laid there on the ground like they were made for lying there, right there, on the ground. The pulling is still there to my left, and I am walking heavily as it is difficult to walk. The cold air on my hands, and flowing down my throat are a strange sensation that isn't that of coldness, but of pulling. And I hear two more voices now, but I cannot hear what they are saying...it is an older man and his son arguing over a toy. Who are these people? They must be a family. What family though? Only explanation I can think of is that all the voices that I heard today while in the malls and stores somehow merged into one collective arguementative family in my mind. I am on the stone patio now on my back looking to the clear mountain sky, but I still see pink. I close my eyes and see the visuals...not very concrete like the onset of a mushroom trip, but stil there and still vibrant colors. This time, I am seeing many moving objects spinning and doors opening and I see membranes floating through my field of vision that move so naturally, so beautifully. I get up and walk back to the table and light the rest of the Salvia in my pipe, hold it in and...


...and I light up a cigarette and smoke it and walk down to the patio again. I am telling myself that I want to make the most out of this experience, so I lie down again on the stones, close my eyes, and see a white face...like wax. I see it repeated over and over and over again three times. When I open my mouth, they open their mouths, and when I bring my cigarette to my mouth and inhale, they do the same...copying everything that I do. This lasts for only about 30 seconds, and then I decide to stand up and walk in the snow. It is crisp, and it seems like I can feel the damage I am doing to the snow...like crushing thousands of tiny beautiful hand created ice sculptures with one drop of my foot. After playing in the snow for about 3 or 4 minutes and leaving a very perfect trail of footprints behind, I can tell that the experience is about over. I am seeing the pixelization of everything, just the plateau of a mushroom trip, and everything is made of some smaller colored pixel tile pattern. I am very cold at this point, so I grab my pipe, clean it out, and walk inside to the warmth.

By this point I am feeling a moderate state of euphoria, but it is not nearly as stong as, say, smoking a hit of cannabis. Right now as I am sitting here (about 1 hour and 30 minutes after lift off), I am feeling pretty good...my eyes are tired and I am feeling generally okay. I'd like to try the Salvia again soon to feel the initial rush of the trip coming on...it was strongly similiar to mushrooms in terms of the vibrant colors and flowing visuals at first, but there didn't seem to be any logical lesson to be learned from the experience except for the fact that Salvia indeed is a wonderful and enjoyable psychadelic that I will surely try again as soon as I can.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11469
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 572
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Alone (16)

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