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Morning Glory
Citation:   JimboM. "Refreshing: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp114691)". Erowid.org. Sep 4, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114691

2 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
A Refreshing Experience

This was my second time taking Morning Glory seeds, the first time I took 1g unfasted and felt virtually no effects. Two weeks later I decided it was time to try again.

Previous Substance use: I have used alcohol intermittently for about three years and have a large history of using cannabis both smoked and edible (which for about a year was my preferred method, I took edibles bi-weekly for a period of 6mo.). I have never taken any classic psychedelics and thought morning glory would be a good starting point to branch out into other stronger psychoactive substances considering its effects in low doses appeared after my research to be pretty mild.

Prep: I purchased two packets of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds from my local hardware store on my way home, I started by washing the seeds in a light detergent to hopefully remove any coating of added substances from the seeds as I read that these additives can increase the feeling of nausea that comes with taking Morning Glory. After washing and drying the seeds I put them into a spice grinder and pulsed the grinder until I had a chunky powder. I then transferred the seeds to a mortar and used the pestle to grind them into a fine powder, using a kitchen scale I measured out about 2g of the powder and poured it into a glass of flat Dr. Pepper.

My Experience:
0:00 - weird earthy aftertaste, I thought Dr. Pepper would mask most of it but it is very prevalent.

+ 0:05 - I can feel my stomach groaning, I'm not sure if that's just me being fasted and wanting to eat or the nausea that often comes with taking Morning Glory

+ 0:10 - I decided to go outside and watch the rest of Little Women (2019) which I started with my Girlfriend a few days ago, feeling very comfortable and relaxed, I think I'm in a good headspace for this experience.

+ 0:40 - I'm experiencing light nausea and lightheadedness, nothing too intense to be uncomfortable but definitely noticeable.

+ 1:15 - My girlfriend just called to tell me about some issues going on at school, I feel very focused on the conversation but my responses to her are slightly slurred, I am starting to feel a light body high, the nausea is mostly gone and I feel very relaxed.

+ 2:25 - I'm experiencing light euphoria and feel very relaxed, when I stand up to walk I feel as if I'm slightly drunk... I could drive right now but not if these effects get any stronger.

+ 2:50 - Just went inside to help my father with dinner, I'm experiencing an intense body high and my audio/visual perception is heightened

+ 3:20 - I feel very euphoric and happy to be alive, my motor function is comparable to the level of being slightly tipsy, driving is now completely off the table.

+ 3:30 - Just went to the restroom, no vasoconstriction to speak of. I just looked in the mirror and realized how emotive my eyebrows are, I stood staring at them for a good 5mins before returning to watch the movie.

+ 3:50 - The colors of the movie Little Women are super vibrant... Also I just realized how much I love my girlfriend and how much value she brings to my life and it makes me want to cry happy tears... I'm going to text her and tell her as such.

The effects lasted about 3 more hours and I noticed that they were completely gone midway through watching Hot Fuzz, overall I quite enjoyed the experience and plan on trying it again, I highly recommend it to anyone who is in the right mindset and environment to partake. I chose to do it in my family TV room away from all of my family members, when I did have to be around them the experience was quite different and I did not enjoy it.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114691
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 4, 2020Views: 593
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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