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Human Bowl of Soup (Followed By Bliss)
Citation:   grafikon. "Human Bowl of Soup (Followed By Bliss): An Experience with Phenibut (exp114723)". Sep 23, 2020.

  repeated oral Smarts - Phenibut
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
After taking 500 mg of phenibut to treat my depression and make myself feel normal, I decided to try some recreational doses. Here's my experience.

Asides from this, I have experience with CBD, alcohol, codeine, lorazepam and DXM. I'm also a smoker. I used to take antidepressants but haven't been taking any for a week prior to this.
I used to take antidepressants but haven't been taking any for a week prior to this.

19:22 - took 1g. The morning dose should've already worn off by now. My leg hurts.

T+00:30 - took 500mg more

T+01:00 - went to a kebab place. Feeling very awake but also very relaxed, in a sense of having a good day maybe? My leg pain doesn't feel as bad anymore.

T+01:30 - calm getting more intense. Feel good.

T+02:30 - took 1.5g more

T+03:00 - it's REALLY starting to kick in. Everything feels like it's been put through a fuzzy filter. I feel good, my limbs feel loose and noodly. My brain feels like a marshmallow, I feel so relaxed I feel like a human bowl of soup. Listening to music in bed and feeling very good. Background noise doesn't seem to disturb me in the slightest.

There's no distinct euphoria in the forefront like with codeine, it feels more general, like a good mood.

T+03:40 - this feeling of calm is ongoing. I don't feel particularly sleepy, but I feel like I could fall asleep quite easily if I wanted to. I feel comfortable and a little tired and heavy. I don't feel like moving. In all this time I smoked probably 4 cigarettes in total. Smoking during this high feels a little like smoking while drunk, it adds onto the experience a bit but it's subtle and you have to be familiar with the nicotine buzz to be able to recognize it.

T+03:50 - coordination feels slightly impaired but that might be out of excess relaxation. My vision feels a bit unclear. Hard to type properly because my limbs feel very loose. My breathing feels a little slower.

NOW, the thing is, that night, I took more and I got *extremely* high later on. The times aren't absolutely exact as I've stopped keeping track at that point, but will be going off of chat logs, so it should be relatively accurate and I feel like it might be interesting to note just how incredibly strong the euphoria can get. I have never taken MDMA before, but I'd like to imagine this is just a fraction of how a MDMA high would feel.

T+06:30? - I went "fuck it" and took 2g.

T+07:00? - "my legs feel like melted butter" according to chat logs.

T+07:30? - The pupil dilation becomes actually quite noticeable. In the middle of the night, I went out for a cigarette. I felt so, *so* damn good. I was so ecstatic I started rambling off to my friends about how amazing I felt, and how cigarettes felt SO much better while high and I still remember it! I took a drag and all of a sudden, it felt like an incredible shot of euphoria in my entire body. I leaned my head back and stared up at the night sky with my jaw hanging open in sheer awe. It felt kinda stiff, though, and most of the time I simply kept it open.

This also made me incredibly, INCREDIBLY horny. It felt like being drunk without any actual drinking. I was affectionate and flirty and felt motivated to make so many stupid choices like buying skimpy clothes to wear out. I made PLANS. I loitered a bit, mostly stayed home, and my memory of this time is actually fuzzy but I can tell you what happened in general.

At some point, around 5am or so (T+10:30), I DID actually make the choice to go out. I was awake all night and started feeling nauseous, so I walked to the pharmacy which was supposedly open 24 hours... Only to find out it was closed. The high felt like it was still there, but since I took it at various intervals, the euphoria wore off after about an hour or two. I started being a little irritable, but my pupils were still big, just not as big as before.

I made a trip downtown to the ACTUAL 24h pharmacy, got some ginger pills (as I didn't want to mix phenibut with the dimenhydrinate I had on me at the moment) and then went to McDonald's.

+T12:30? - I returned home. I acted giddy and stupid to the point my mom very well realized I was high. She knew it was impossible to fuck yourself up *too* bad on this stuff, though, so she wasn't mad, just worried. I seemed like I was having a good time. We had a talk about me being medicated, and interestingly enough, I talked to my mom about... Sex. Yes, for some reason, inebriated me found it a good idea to discuss sex with my mother.

It's a pretty fuzzy memory. I remember playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons for a while while talking to my mom and crying while we talked about my terrible mental health, but it wasn't too upsetting of an experience.

+T13:30? - I went to sleep. Don't remember how I felt after that. I just know being sober didn't feel good.

I personally like the idea of taking it in intervals so I can feel the different "steps" of being high. A week after that experience, however, I had to quit taking Phenibut mostly cold turkey for the sake of trying new medication. I've found that it gave me some anxiety/paranoia that lasted around 2 days, but CBD has helped in relieving it. It fades away eventually.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114723
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 23, 2020Views: 4,737
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : General (1), Alone (16)

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