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Out of Pocket
by Sara
Citation:   Sara. "Out of Pocket: An Experience with Modafinil (exp114744)". May 31, 2023.

200 mg oral Modafinil (daily)
I was an active drug addict for 10 years, although 3 years clean and sober (including marijuana) when initially prescribed Provigil. I was addicted to prescription stimulants and speed. I am now 7 years clean and sober and my 8 year milestone will be next month.

I have bipolar and multiple sclerosis that results in chronic fatigue. These were typically treated (for me) with Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta, all of which I abused. My doctor decided to switch me to Provigil. Their reasoning was that it is less addictive, lower risk for abuse and a different mechanism of action. I am also taking Lamotrigine 200mg (anticonvusant), 5000 iu of vitamin D, 5000iu of fish oil, and 500iu of vitamin D, all of which advised and monitored by my medical team. My Provigil is however not covered by my insurance or OHIP (I live in Ontario Canada) and I need to pay out of pocket.

My doctor tapered me onto Provigil with taking 100mg, then 150mg, to my now dose of 200mg daily. I take them with breakfast every morning with the rest of my medication. I've been on 200mg for the past 5 years, and have have had no abuse problems with it. Personally, for me, I think it's because I don't feel high on them.

I find that if I miss 2 consecutive doses of Provigil (happens very seldomly as a result of forgetting that I don't have a refill on file) the withdrawals are quite severe for me. I become actively suicidal and as a result need to be admitted to mental health impatient.
the withdrawals are quite severe for me. I become actively suicidal and as a result need to be admitted to mental health impatient.
This typically happens to me 48 hours without medication and remaining hospitalized until I can get my medication levels right.

Provigil worked well for me in the beginning, experiencing no severe side effects. It reduced my fatigue symptoms (without a high) and worked well in combination with Lamotrigine to level out bipolar mood swings. However the longer I have been taking Provigil, the less effective it seems to be for me. Even with it becoming less effective, I have had no desire to take more than prescribed by my doctor. I'm glad that I was put on Provigil but are now looking into other medication options.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 114744
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2023Views: 375
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Modafinil (217) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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