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Low-Mid Dose
Citation:   aconn. "Low-Mid Dose: An Experience with DMT (exp114748)". Sep 30, 2020.

14 mg vaporized DMT
These are some notes I made when I started experimenting with DMT. I was gradually increasing the dosage from about 10mg until 40mg.
I was gradually increasing the dosage from about 10mg until 40mg.
I thought this report might be interesting in case there are not too many low-mid dose reports. It's a series of quasi-chronological bullet points rather than an essay.

Trip 2 – 24/08/2018, 10:25pm. 14mg
• Successful vaporization from first hit
o Recognized at first by the taste. Sensation of presence/perspective moving back into the head.
• Took a second hit - a few seconds the later the poster on the door appeared wavey (how I imagine mushrooms make things look). Body felt very relaxed and I put the pipe down.
• CEVs were again very digital in nature – very fine lines forming shapes. Both times I was surprised how fine the details were. This time on a white background and I remember thinking that the lines formed the outline of a hindu (vishnu?) character at one point.
• Humming was higher pitch than previously
o still almost mechanical in nature. More like an old slide show projector but very fast.
o Visuals were definitely flickering in time with humming.
• I picked up the VG for a third hit – but then put it back down as the main visuals began.
o I then relaxed completely into the sofa and kept my hands interlocked on my chest.

• CEV visual space was far fuller than 10mg. I felt like my eyes would naturally drift toward looking toward the top left. Where the space was full of bright colors whooshing by from above my head out in front of me into the distance – still pixelated with very distinct black lines – both pixel size and line size was bigger now.
o The colors in the pixels were very bright and all different – moving constantly
o Reminded me of a stained glass window.
o The light from a lamp on the floor formed a constant white source (like a project beam lamp) in the bottom left of vision. Could have been “blocking” some visuals.
o Still flickering with humming

o During visuals, still had not thoughts of being in danger. Was relaxed.
• Remember two instances of the big pixels forming something resembling characters.
o First a spider like shape from the right hand side. Disappeared quickly.
o Then from the left something looking like a silhouette of a Disney witch – but her cartoonish white eyes stood out.
• This trip was far more physical than 10mg trip. Had the sensation of cells vibrating in my body with the humming
o It was a slightly warm feeling – not disturbing or upsetting.
o Wouldn’t have been able to move or stand up during visuals.
• At some point during the visuals I starting having a conversation with myself that I should have taken another hit.
o Throughout I was still present enough to hear things around and able to open my eyes if I wished to.
o Felt like I could have talked but chose not to. Would have been too much effort.
• Towards the end of the visuals I had the same change back to white-ish background with orange and blue meshes forming shapes.
o Shapes would form and warp immediately to something else. Very fine lines.
• Stronger stoned feeling physically – hands very heavy but comfortably laid on my chest.
o After glow felt shorter.

Time: approx. 8mins visuals, 5 mins comedown and afterglow.
Felt as though I should have taken 3rd hit – not sure whether full 14mg was taken or not.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 114748
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Sep 30, 2020Views: 1,125
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), General (1)

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