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Felt Mild Sedation, and Some Pain Relief
Picralima nitida
Citation:   Slytherin. "Felt Mild Sedation, and Some Pain Relief: An Experience with Picralima nitida (exp114751)". Feb 17, 2022.

500 mg oral Picralima nitida (capsule)
  1 - 2 g smoked Cannabis (daily)
Akuamma Experience

Zero tolerance to akuamma going in. Also I currently have no kratom tolerance, haven’t touched that in almost a year. Purpose of trying akuamma is to help with symptoms of a benzo taper (specifically aches & cramps, jaw clenching, insomnia, and diarrhea).

One 500mg capsule taken about an hour after food. I swallow the pill, peak effects 1 hour after ingestion, back to baseline about two hours after ingestion. Felt mild sedation, and some pain relief. I get why this is compared to kratom. It felt similar, about half as strong, and there was almost no stimulation, only mild sedation, an extremely mild kratom/codeine feel, non-euphoric. Worked about how I expected it to.

After effects; (relating my purposes of taking akuamma) some noticeable effects the next day, my aches and cramps were about the same again, I managed to get more sleep than normal, It didn’t really help my jaw clenching, and my stool did indeed get a tad bit firmer lol. Interesting note: It helps anhedonia. I'm a medical marijuana patient and smoke about 1-2 gram per day for years now. The day after I dosed I only had 2 smokes, half my usual. This makes me wary as I assume this means it has addiction potential.

I also took one capsule, and carefully opened it to empty out about a tiny pinch (~20mg?) of the ground material to taste because I wanted to know just how bad this tasted (I had heard it was super bad which is why I got it in capsules). I put the dusting of akuamma into a cup with maybe 3-4oz of water. There was so little seed powder I could barely see it except a few flakes floating in the clear water, it looked so innocent. The second it touched my tongue omigod the bitterness. Maybe a light tannin and chemical flavor, but honestly it was too bitter to even distinguish flavors other than how bitter it was.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114751
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 17, 2022Views: 797
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Picralima nitida (886) : General (1), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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