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Praying for our Safety and Clandestiny
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   Sheograth. "Praying for our Safety and Clandestiny: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp114773)". Sep 18, 2020.

T+ 0:00
0.33 glasses oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 1:00 2 hits inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
  T+ 1:00 0.5 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Setting: Saturday evening, my basement. My family was supposed to be away at an outdoor wedding, but it rained, so my parents stayed home.

Background: My parents are very anti-drug use, including underage drinking; despite this, I’ve tripped in my basement a dozen times. This has only been an issue in that I can’t vomit at home for fear of my parents finding out. I have had experience with mushrooms (both psilocybin and amanitas) on multiple occasions, extensive experiences with doses between 80 and 1700mcg LSD, extensive experiences with nitrous, liquor, weed (smoked, vapourised, dabbed, eaten), blue lotus, topical belladonna oil, and a few failed experiments with Syrian rue and sacred datura. My girlfriend had had experiences with amanitas, LSD, liquor, weed, and blue lotus as well.

My girlfriend, whom I’ll call G, and I had plans to make some cocktails and fried rice and spend the evening watching indie horror movies. My sister had also gotten me some blue raspberry edibles, the cheapest at the dispensary and my G’s favourite flavour, as a thank you for running her a favour. I’d talked to a coworker that said he had brownies with 120mg THC and that 120 was pretty strong. Given my coworker’s experience and G and my experiences, we figured splitting the edible would be fine.

Since my parents stayed home, G and I mixed our cocktails in my basement instead. We mixed our ginger ale, lime, and pineapple captain cocktails [35percent ABV rum] and started watching a movie about a punk band getting stuck in a neo-nazi bar. We enjoyed the movie and music in it, and my mom made some mac and cheese while we were watching it. At the peak, I was feeling slightly buzzed. Around an hour into the movie, I got two hits out of a nitrous canister. I knew that mixing nitrous and liquor can be dangerous and cause nausea and increase the likelihood of blacking out, but I figured that since I felt pretty much sober and that it wasn’t very much nitrous, I’d be fine.

The movie ended around 8:00 pm and G put on Spaceballs, and we decided to split the edible. G is generally much lighter weight than me, so she took around 20mg, and I took the rest-40mg. I was considering mixing a microdose of LSD, but am very glad that I decided against it. After a while, G asked me if I felt high, and I wasn’t sure; I took a while to answer but answered that I felt pretty much fine. After a bit, my dad called to ask if we had any dishes before the dishwasher started. I jumped up to go wash the bowl I was using, thinking it would prevent him from thinking that we were doing anything my parents would disapprove of.

While I was washing the bowl, the THC started hitting. I kept getting super focused on cleaning the bowl and worrying that I would be unable to stand if I tried to move. I heard my parents talking, and when my dad walked into the kitchen, I began to get super paranoid. I went back downstairs and told G that I was super high and needed to sit down. I was originally supposed to drive G home around midnight and started worrying that I wouldn’t be able to. I laid down to watch Spaceballs and try to calm down. I was hoping that I was approaching my peak, but knew that I was only around half an hour in.

The next while is kind of fuzzy. I remember spending a while admiring G’s face and eventually shifting to focusing on Spaceballs. I also kept wanting to tell G that I was too high, getting increasingly more nauseous, had super bad dry mouth and that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to drive
I was too high, getting increasingly more nauseous, had super bad dry mouth and that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to drive
tonight, but I didn’t want to worry her. I found the fourth wall breaking in Spaceballs super funny, though I’m not sure how much I actually expressed this. I eventually got out that I was too high and that I was scared. I was completely self-oriented and unable to tell or ask how G felt. Eventually, I got up and went into the laundry room to get water from the tap and look for something to throw up into. We had had a 5-gallon bucket, but I couldn’t find it and eventually settled on a full trashcan.

I sat next to the trashcan with a glass of water and focusing on breathing for a while, trying not to vomit. Eventually, G came in to sit with me, and I finally got the idea that she was freaking out as bad as I was. We knew that it wasn’t past 9:30 since Spaceballs was still playing, but had no other concept of time. Over the next period of time, we shifted between sitting on one leg, sitting on the other, lying on our backs and fronts, and sitting against the laundry machines. I spent this entire time praying that I wouldn’t vomit and that my parents wouldn’t find out. As I got more and more nauseous, it felt unavoidable that I was going to vomit, and I started having to come to terms with my parents coming down and seeing us incredibly high, twitching, and probably covered in vomit. I ended up sitting on my knees with my arms stretched out straight in front of me, holding G’s hand.

G threw up and laid on her back with her head sideways. I kept jolting and was unable to control my movements. G was crying and saying that she was scared and wanted to go home. She started jolting, and it at least looked like she was seizing. I’m first aid certified and have done a lot of training in emergency response, but could only think that I don’t want to touch her mouth or try to hold her still. I began praying again, this time that G would be safe. I distinctly remember repeating, mostly to myself, that G was the world to me and that I wanted whatever energy was responsible for us at that moment to take anything they wanted from me to keep her safe. For this time period, I became convinced that I was willing to give any aspect of my future to ensure G’s safety. We stayed on the ground like this for some amount of time before G said she wanted her dad, and I suggested calling him for help. She ended up getting through to her mom and crying, told her that we took too much, and she wanted to go home. We stayed in the laundry room for around fifteen minutes until her mom got here. In this time, I began crying the hardest I can remember crying. I was distraught that I’d given G a bad trip and that I put her in danger. I knew that at her house, she could be taken care of, but couldn’t stop myself from crying. I attempted to get up to help G get her stuff together to leave but became super nauseous whenever I lifted my head. I called that I loved her and goodbye, but she’d already left. I heard her go straight outside to her mom.

I laid on the floor for a while more listening to my parents shifting upstairs. I kept getting paranoid that they were gonna come down and ask questions. Eventually, I got myself from the laundry room to back to the mattress we were watching movies. I turned on a playlist of videos that I use to help me relax and tried to go to bed.

When I woke up, I felt horrible for putting G in danger and spent the next day trying to find any information about seizures and THC or THC overdoses. I went through NIH articles, Erowid, and a dozen other websites and couldn’t find any information about overdose thresholds or THC doing anything but increasing the seizure threshold. I did end up finding a dosing chart and found that I’d taken way more than is suggested for a daily user to get super high. Neither of us regularly used weed and thus had no tolerance.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114773
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 18, 2020Views: 1,028
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Hard (198) : Combinations (3), Overdose (29), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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