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No Permanent Fix--Except for Muscle Tension
Citation:   supermegafon. "No Permanent Fix--Except for Muscle Tension: An Experience with Oxazepam (exp114783)". Oct 28, 2020.

75 - 100 mg oral Oxazepam (daily)
Used as prescribed for muscle tension I had been bothered with for years. Dissolved and I felt more centered, clear, and slightly sluggish while using. It's great for flights, and for sleeping on friends' couches and other less physically comfortable situations. When it's out of the system I'm back in the jet engine of hyperstimulation, headache, and anxiety; about as much as before I began taking it. But the muscle tension seems to be gone.

[Reported Dose: "75-100 mg per every 2-3 days and two weeks of 75-100mg/day"]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114783
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 28, 2020Views: 1,600
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Oxazepam (922) : Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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