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Feeling Like My Body Is On Mute
Citation:   UnstableG. "Feeling Like My Body Is On Mute: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp114802)". Dec 17, 2021.

800 mg oral Diphenhydramine
At the time of this experience, I was not in a good head space. I was dealing with some pretty bad mental health issues. I usually resorted to weed for my problems, but at this time I could not attain any. Me wanting a distraction from my pain, I looked up legal ways of getting high. That's when I found Benadryl. I heard it was a nightmare for most, but I didn't really care.

I planned to do my trip on the weekend, so it wouldn't interfere with school and work.

When friday night arrived, I knew it was showtime. I grabbed the bottle from my medicine cabinet, and went to dish out my serving. I counted out some pills, I don't remember how many. I only remember the dosage. I decided to crush some up to experiment. I snorted one, and put the other crushed ones in a beverage. I remember how terrible it tasted, but then, I didn't really care. Then the others went down the hatch, and it was time to wait.

I sat in my bed on my computer. I decided to watch youtube until the pills kicked in.

A while later, I noticed some effects.

The first effect was my vision. Everything was wicked blurry, like I was seeing double. My heart beat started to feel muted and fluttery. The rest of my body soon followed. My whole body felt wicked heavy and sedated. I was calm, and happy.

After a while, I decided to get up to go get food. Getting up then was a real struggle. I had to roll off my bed. When I got to my feet, my knees were wobbling. I tried to walk forward, but I kept falling. At the time, I thought this was wicked funny. I forced myself to my feet, and proceeded down the hallway. I was moving very slow, and was falling from side to side. I finally made it to the kitchen, and grabbed myself a snack from the cabinet.

When I went back to my bedroom, I thought about how dilated my pupils might be. So I looked in the mirror. My pupils were super dilated, like they were in total darkness.

Then the nausea kicked in. I remember that I was going to and from the bathroom a lot. I might have puked once or twice.

After a while, I got super relaxed and tired. So I decided to listen to music and shut my eyes. When I put on the music, a huge calm wave came over me. It sounded so nice, and the bed was wicked comfy. For once, I didn't want to toss and turn in my bed. I also felt really good physically. Touching soft surfaces felt amazing.

The next day, I woke up really late. I got dressed, and went out to the kitchen for breakfast. I came across one of my roommates, and tried to initiate a conversation. But they didn't understand half of what I was saying.
I came across one of my roommates, and tried to initiate a conversation. But they didn't understand half of what I was saying.
They got a bit concerned, but knew that I used drugs. So I gave up on the convo.

That day, the benadryl started to wear off. So I decided to take some more. I don't remember how much I took that time, but it was enough to get the same effects as the night before. Feeling like my body was on mute, I decided to chill on Saturday. I don't remember what I did this time. Probably the same as Friday.

The next day, the benadryl was mostly worn off. I decided to not do it again.

A year or 2 later, I now realize that I was being extremely dangerous while on that high a dose. Please, don't do what I did.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114802
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 17, 2021Views: 914
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