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Nice Afterglow
Citation:   dcfafb. "Nice Afterglow: An Experience with LSD (exp114842)". Oct 18, 2020.

300 ug   LSD
Setting: First, some TV until I felt the effects coming on. Later, in bed with headphones.

My past trips with this substance have been relatively "so-so", a bit scary and nothing I really want to remember. I'm happy to report that confidence has been restored, at least somewhat. I'm not as scared of it as I was before.
Now, I'm not saying that this is the right kind of setting to be in. Just that it worked this time.

This is a little hard to explain with words. It was like some advanced aliens were to show me a little of what is possible in the mind. Musical experience. Tones and details of the music became alot more pronounced Closed-Eye Visualizations were very vivid and beautiful.

Strings of tones came flying and were split into piano-like sections. Sometimes they moved in circles, other times up and down. In all ways imaginable. Inside head 3D examination, up/down, looking into different areas of the brain or whatever, to find problems. Inside ear drum ? Some hair barnacle or something ? Seemed like time was at standstill. The music sort of paused, I was in control of it. Problem here ? Nope, no problem ! (lol) So I just shifted the attention and figured I should just continue listening to the music.

Inside some very advanced factory for electric cars or whatever. Gears, cogs, motors, robots. Hissing sounds, fast-moving. Really cool.

Playlist. Hard to concentrate. If I didn't have a playlist I thought I would be seriously lost. It was a little hard to select the tunes I wanted to listen to. The music captured my soul. Suddenly, it was not blissful and melodic but rather dramatic and weird-sounding. I think the lyrics were "I will catch you .." so I thought "haha yeah what a load of bs, I don't need to listen to this" Then... oh, wait, what's happening ?

I felt being dragged downwards, it was hard. Visualizations took the form of snakes or lizards. For some reason I went to look in the mirror which is usually not recommended but I did that anyway. Said some weird things, etc. Getting old or gray hair coming ? Something else ?

I remembered that someone at some party smiled at me in a certain way. I used his/hers smile and felt a little better
I needed to really focus on the baseline beat in the music, the cornerstone of good music. A strong, powerful, melodic beat/bass that really drives me. Without driving you nuts (haha..)

I felt this also as a triangular "3 sides"-visualization with good energy. There's a game about building bridges and the thing I learned from it was the thing about triangles. They are very strong and can carry a lot of weight, so it is used
extensively in many construction projects. That is not to say that other forms are not as strong, just that the visualizations were like that in this experience.

Once we got that baseline beat going, music can build. Different elements can come in. It can rise and become really euphoric.

Open-eye, I saw the rain on my window in all the colours of the rainbow. These colours extended into my apartment in a cool way.

Club. I remembered that special place, dancing, having a good time, feeling really good about myself and other people, youthful feeling. Smiles from people and the way we all could feel the music. I remembered the feeling from MDMA and it was almost always a good one.

After having listened to the music for a good few hours I saw the moon appearing behind the clouds, it opened things up and I could see all the different cloud layers and stuff.

These strong, powerful, melodic beats lasted inside my mind throughout the entire day, whenever I felt it was needed in my day-to-day work. This sort of afterglow I have never experienced before.

I went to sleep (with some sleep deprivation) and dreamt about (or it just came to me) beautiful synthesizer tunes,
coupled with mild visualizations, really mellow and melodic, anyone could like it. Backwards, forwards, up/down, in circles, morphing into other tunes

It felt like I had tapped into or unlocked some far away energies. I just hoped that this would never fade away because it was really good

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 114842
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 18, 2020Views: 598
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LSD (2) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Unknown Context (20)

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