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Mainly Positive Besides the Tough Comeup
25E-NBOH & Oxycodone
Citation:   Benzzzy . "Mainly Positive Besides the Tough Comeup: An Experience with 25E-NBOH & Oxycodone (exp114866)". Oct 25, 2020.

T+ 0:00
56.25 mg oral Oxycodone (liquid)
  T+ 0:15 11.25 mg oral Oxycodone (liquid)
  T+ 0:20 280 - 360 ug oral 25E-NBOH (liquid)
  T+ 0:30 11.25 mg oral Oxycodone (liquid)
  T+ 0:30 70 - 90 ug oral 25E-NBOH (liquid)
  T+ 0:40 70 - 90 ug oral 25E-NBOH (liquid)
  T+ 0:40   vaporized Nicotine  
  T+ 0:45 11.25 mg oral Oxycodone (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 140 - 180 ug oral 25E-NBOH (liquid)
  T+ 1:15 140 - 180 ug oral 25E-NBOH (liquid)
  T+ 2:30 600 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut  
  T+ 4:30 600 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut  
  T+ 5:30 3 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 5:30   insufflated Tobacco  
[Erowid Note: Because opiate use can lead to significant tolerance (requiring higher doses for the same effects), the dose used by a first time user is significantly smaller than that used by a regular user. It can be extremely dangerous to choose ones dose on the basis of the amount taken by someone else. Overdoses of opiates can be fatal.]
Oxycodone and 25E-NBOH First Time

Before the trip I made a 0.9mg/ml aqueous solution of 25e-nboh and measured the output of my nasal spray by spraying it on a piece of toilet paper big enough to capture everything and weighing the difference by taring the piece. I've repeated this for 5x and all results layed within the 70mg-90mg range but for safety sake I'll assume it's 10 sprays per milliliter. So 90ug/spray. I'll probably start off with 3 sprays so 270mg and 15m in judge if a potential redose of a maximum of 2 would be feasible.

I've also put 3 30mg oxycodone (powderized) Teva extended release pills with the imprint OX 30 in a glass of coke for 24h prior to the experience. I've done oxycodone on 2 prior days this week and have had a 3 day break in between those 2 days and this experience. It seems like my tolerance is rather high even though I've had a 2-3 week break of opioids in which I just did 3-ho-pcp but that Chem has alleged my affinity so idk tbh. All ik is that a chewed 30 didn't do all that much. In that period I've done 120mg over 2 hours whiteout much trouble and 60mg over the same time period on another occasion whiteout much trouble so ik 90mg probably won't be a huge issue. I also have mirtazapine on hand of which I may take 3.75mg to reduce nausea and itching.

T-1.5h consumed 3.75mg mirtazapine 1.5h prior to the point of dosing the oxycodone.
Going to play some games right now.

T+0:00 consume 250ml of the 400ml of oxycodone laced soda for a dose of 56.25mg
Will read some pihkal and report back.

T+0:05 I think I'm noticing a slight warmth but it's hard to say the remaining 150ml will be done in 50ml (11.25mg) incriments at a 15m interval untill its gone so at t+0:45 I'll have taken my last dose of oxycodone if this plan changes I'll write it down.

T+0.10 eyes definitely starting to hang a bit and a nice warm feeling is developing rather fast. Dissolving them in coke definitely greatly increased the comeup speed I'm very excited to see to what level this develops!

+0:20 4 sprays of approximately 360ug

+0:30 redose 1 spray of 90ug for a total of 450ug. And I think I'm noticing the first visual effects noticed a minor tracing while moving my eyes but it's honestly too soon to say for sure.

T+0:40 vision is definitely starting to become a bit static noticing a slight increased heart rate and colors seem to be more vivid.
Redose another 90ug. While spraying in the air some droplets fell onto my phone screen and have now kinda look like my phone has rainbow sparkles on it which is epic. Starting to hit my nicotine vape.

T+0:45 stops reading pihkal since I'm starting to nod slightly. Now putting on some Jefferson airplane on headphones and chilling to that for a bit

T+1:00 Redose 2 sprays of 25e. Visuals are starting to become alot more prominent there's still no headspace to speak off

T+1:10 the itching is becoming very prominent and the visuals are starting to increase too. Sitting in the toilet and having some trouble peeing like I always have with oxycodone. My eyes are less constricted than what's usual for me with just oxy.

T+1:15 Redose 2 sprays (my last dose) of 25e starting to feel a bit heavy the world most definitely looks much fuller and have some nystagmus that tighter with the 25e gives a waterfall like visual effect similar as what one could experience in a mdma+psych combo (note to reader this is absolutely nothing like that combo I'm just talking about the visual here).

T+1.25 noticing some bruxism. There isn't any headspace with this combo and I don't think 25e has a notable one to begin with so there really isn't much to report on the regard of headspace. Going to play a game so my reporting frequency should decrease by a bit. Put on some the velvet underground while playing sine I'm in the mood
T+1:40 the visuals are somewhat reminiscent of shrooms I feel

(From here on I started to notice some palpitions and my heart started racing so I freaked out a bit and started to chat with some guys knowledgeable on this compound to calm me down a bit which they did successfully.)

T+2:30 dosed 600mg of phenibut
T+2:50 just got back out the shower and now sitting in my room watching some Jefferson airplane. The visuals are kinda tryptamine like. Definitely not akin to lsd or the phenethylamines. There's some notable muscle tension and jaw stiffness with a urge to fidget. Increases heart rate and occasionally palpitions as mentioned before... Nystagmus still present. With eyes closed it looks reminiscent of a bright neon colored oil painting if that makes any sense.

T3:15 the effects of the nboh seem to have peaked I succeeded in calming myself down the palpations have subsided I think.
This is a pretty mellow trip rn I'm eager to say kinda like a hippyflip but it really lacks that mdma like euphoria but otherwise it would somewhat fit that description I'd feel like.

T+3:20 going to play some games again

T+4:30 played a few rounds of warzone. The muscle tension seemed to peak somewhere while playing. The visuals still present (now 3h and 15m after my last dose of nboh) and I don't think I'm coming down yet. Feeling pretty comfortable. Going to dose another 0.6g of phenibut in a second so sleeping after will be easier. Looking in the mirror my eyes don't seem to be either dilated or pin point but rather normal. Probably countering constriction/dilation.

T+5:30 effects are starting to decrease. Just went outside for a smoke (well 3 cigs...) got back inside and feeling quite cold.
Proceed to wrap myself in blanket and play a few games of clash of clans. The euphoria is pretty good right now but the visuals seem to have subsided a bit still very nice. Now grabbing my tin of nasal snuff and going to take a pinch of that. The enjoyment of this great snuff is definitely increased uwu.

T+5.45 remember I have some spaghetti left from last night and microwaved it. Eating it right now. Eating it went without any trouble and was actually quite easy considering I just took a psychedelic and opioid.

T+6:15 not much to note here still coming down gradually and playing some games with music.

T+7:00 effects have pretty much entirely subsided just left with some residuals. Tense muscles mild stimulation and the such.
Going to take 3.75mg of mirtazapine in approximately 30 minutes with 0.5mg of melatonin (both sublingually) and try to get a goon night's rest.

T+8:00 falling asleep went easy but the sleep that I seem to get doesn't feel as sleep. Its almost as if I sleep half awake and can snap out of it in command but time seems to be flying and the music that I'm listening to is nice so I'll continue until I have to wake up

T+12:00 woke up feeling some mild residual effects but that may simply be the phenibut. Dosed 300mg of caffeine ready to go to my job.

Overall the combo was mainly positive besides the tough comeup with some worrysome cardiac activity. In the future will use less and not combine it with oxycodone and take 1 good dose instead of 20 smaller ones. Very nice psychedelic so far and my time with it looks promising.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 25, 2020Views: 1,354
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25E-NBOH (890), Oxycodone (176) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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