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Wavy Ride
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Sunday_s best. "Wavy Ride: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp114879)". Oct 18, 2020.

8 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
8 HBWR seeds were soaked in water for a few minutes to loosen there fuzzy coating, scraped clean of the fuzzy coating, and ground in a coffee grinder.

After grinding the seed powder was placed in a small piece of taffy, rolled into a ball, and swallowed like a pill. This method was used since I did not have 00 capsules. I also ate a small chunk of ginger and a little dark chocolate. The seeds were eaten on an empty stomach.

I experienced little to no nausea, but did have to pee a lot.

The on set was within an hour, and there was a very wavy warmth that flushed my body for close to 4 hours, but my feet and hands was a little cold so wear socks. There was also a nice afterglow or come down that lasted a while. This has been one of the best experiences I’ve had with HBWR. The trick is to not taste, or smell the seeds. Have fun, and be safe.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114879
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 18, 2020Views: 473
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : General (1), Personal Preparation (45), Unknown Context (20)

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