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Joy and Pain
Citation:   dog of god. "Joy and Pain: An Experience with 3-MEO-PCE (exp114960)". Nov 21, 2020.

1 - 20 mg   3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
I used 3-MeO-PCE for 6 months, on average 4 times a week. Each time about 12-15 mg. Sometimes more, sometimes less. After 2 weeks I checked out liver, bladder and kidneys. All was ok. After 6 months I did blood exams again and liver and kidneys was not fine at all. My liver has never had such high values in all my life. I use to control my body every 6 months for about last 8 years so I have a clear view of the situation. I am quite sure that this drug is toxic. It is a nice drug to use sometimes. After 6 months from the last exam (in which liver was not fine) I did the exams again and nothing changed. It suggests that it is possible that this drug damages liver permanently.

Talking about effects, it is a strange dissociative. Strong anesthetic, euphoria and mania. When it takes effect, I will feel as I took amphetamines and ketamine at the same time.
When it takes effect, I will feel as I took amphetamines and ketamine at the same time.
I feel like I can do all I want, with no limits. There are stilll rational skills so it’s hard for me to do something really stupid, however it is better not to underestimate the manic side.

I can say that 3-MeO-PCE changed my life a bit because it teached that many times limits are in the head, once I experience hypomania I understand that I can do everything I like. It also has a strange connection with magic. I feel like I can perceive information from another dimension, everything is right and there is not the normal moral sense. This drug gives me lot of energy too (I do many things and I won’t feel tired at all) and makes me feel a kind of universal flow that guides me. A connection with god.

The down effect is gentle (not like cocaine or meth) and redosing is not very compulsive (because of the very long half life of this drug). However tolerance is easily built and after 10 or 15 doses I need more mg to get high but I will not be as high as I wish. Last time I took it, I took 20 mg and I was almost sober (while first time I tried 20 mg I was completely fucked, I could not stand and when I closed my eyes I saw a strong light around me and felt like my head was flying to the ceiling. Like a k-hole but a kind of different…). I feel the need to talk to people and do all the things I usually avoid. The anxieties and fears disappear and I feel that I am the version of myself I've always wanted, a strange joy pervades me. Everything gets possible.

If I use it every day, after 4 days if I stop taking it I have strange sensation in my body and heart. Like anxiety and annoyance. It suggest a kind of withdrawal syndrome.

One time I've smoked some harmala+DMT while using 3-MeO-PCE and I had a strong dermic reaction on my penis (it was probably an angiodema).

The main problem is about skin and allergies. I will develop allergic reactions so I wake up with cold and stuffy nose, burning in the skin and strange and intermittent widespread pain. The more I use it, the more it gets worse. When I stop using, all disappear and I come back to baseline in 20 days.

At the end, it is a nice experience to do just a few time and then forget to use it again.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Nov 21, 2020Views: 917
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3-MEO-PCE (536) : Unknown Context (20), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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