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Relaxing Divine
Syrian Rue
by Semo
Citation:   Semo. "Relaxing Divine: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp114975)". Jun 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 g oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
  T+ 2:00 1 shot oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
I had some syrian rue waiting in the corner so I decided to take some but I was too lazy to extract it or make a tea out of it.

In the morning I've grind the 10 g seeds in a coffee grinder turned them into powder and swallowed them with putting in inside a thin tissue. After almost 2-3 hours I didn't feel any effects just a slight drowsiness.

In the night I decided to go hard and grinded a shot glass of seeds and swallowed them whole. Waited for about an hour or so but no trails when I move my hands or nothing. Just a electric zap feeling on my neck.

After 2 hours of ingestion of seeds. It hit me like a train whenever I move my eyes every single object and furniture creates a shadowy trail around them and stops when I stood still. It wasn't that much fun to watch sailing and see light trails etc. So I decided to meditate a bit. I blind folded myself and lay on the bed put on some ambient psy trance started to clear my mind while watching the closed eyes visuals but they were not geometric just random light flashes especially purple and red. After relaxing too much I just fell asleep.

I didn't had any side effect no diarrhea, nausea, headache, confusion nothing. I was just sober but my vision were impaired severely. When I woke up next morning I felt fine just bit grumpy but had some clonazepam so that fixed that issue. I guess I need to find some acacia and make a good tea out of it to get full effects because I was disappointed on the experience. Going to dry with much higher doses hopefully I will get into a trance like state.

But be careful do not ever consume foods that contains tyramine (almost all kind of cheese products) check on the google because you need to go on a diet while using this substance.

Safe travels and I wish you a nice trip, peace out.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114975
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 652
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Syrian Rue (45) : Alone (16), General (1)

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