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Journey to the Center of the Earth
DMT & Quetiapine
Citation:   Booze. "Journey to the Center of the Earth: An Experience with DMT & Quetiapine (exp114986)". Jun 14, 2021.

25 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine  
  5 - 40 mg vaporized DMT (extract)
My interests in DMT started at a fairly early age, it was seen as this mystical substance that could transport you into the inner most workings of the universe and, rightfully so, as it does. It wasn’t until about 8 months ago I had taken the time to get the correct materials to perform my own at home StB extraction but yet they sat on my shelf for about 5 months, that was until about a week ago.

At this time my interests were deeply rooted and after much thinking it knew it was time to have my first experience into that side of psychedelic experiences. I took my time, made sure I was precise and ended up with about a 1% yield from a Mimosa Hostilis StB. Come Tuesday night I was ready for my break through experience (Disclaimer: I do NOT condone jumping off of meds to take psychedelics), however I never thought of unintended drug interactions. I am prescribed 25mg of Seroquel for sleep at night ( taken as needed ) but didn’t realize the interactions anti-psychotics have with psychedelics ( should have figured, its in the name ) essentially anti-psychotics, particularly Seroquel has been used as a "trip-killer". After trying to take an initial dose and a further I had only felt ever so slight "peculiar".
After trying to take an initial dose and a further I had only felt ever so slight "peculiar".
This is when I had read about the drug interactions and figure it best to wait for its full life to expire. Also, I was trying to use a nectar collector and I believe it was a combination of drug interactions and a failed method.

So, come Thursday night, I was ready. I took an initial dose of what I believe to be about 5 – 10 mg ( I am unclear as my scale doesn’t take measurements of weight so low nor do I condone taking unknown dosages of substances ). I felt VERY peculiar but nowhere near a "breakthrough" experience, I had my fiancé hand me back the "dream-maker" and let it vaporize for a good 20-40 seconds, and took one very deep inhale.

Right as I exhaled my head hit the back of my chair as I was ripped through what seemed to be the very fabric of reality, very geometric patters mixing into each other what I can describe as a school of fish swimming with one another, they were all matte pinks, oranges, yellows and reds in a very orb like pattern. It was at this moment I felt an overwhelming sense of Love and compassion, unconditionally. I was almost immediately dropped back down into this 3-D reality with a new found love for life and appreciation for the people and things around me, It was also extremely therapeutic as I was able to fully come to peace with the loss of my mother in February in an understanding that this reality is nowhere near the end of existence but only existence as we have known it, that my mother is out there in this unending flux of love and understanding that knows no ends nor bounds, and that has been extremely comforting. What a profound experience. And as I told my partner “this is hands down the most profound experience of my life and probably the most important thing I have done for myself".

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jun 14, 2021Views: 568
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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