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Back to the Womb
LSD, Cannabis (edible) & MDMA
Citation:   Angostura. "Back to the Womb: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis (edible) & MDMA (exp115028)". Dec 21, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit oral LSD  
  T+ 6:00 250 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
I am an experienced psychonaut who has slowed down as I've gotten older but continue to make at least one pilgrimage a year with my best friends where we take a trip together. We had gotten a nice stash of LSD and MDMA for the trip and I was excited to hike and adventure with what I expected to be a relatively mild LSD trip and a nice hearty MDMA dose. We stayed in a cabin with a hot tub which I was particularly looking forward to enjoying while rolling. We took the acid around noon and went outside for a hike to some waterfalls while it was pretty rainy and cold. I also had taken about 30 mg of THC in the form of weed peanut butter before heading out. I love being outside and being physical while I come up so I was feeling really good but not feeling super high even 1.5 hours after taking the dose. I remember saying 'hmm, I wonder if I should take more when we get back' and my friend said 'I don't know about you, but I'm tripping really hard.' As we turned around to start heading back to the car I noticed I felt slightly outside of my body, like I was dissociating. I remember feeling like my equilibrium was really off, and that I was going to fall.
I remember feeling like my equilibrium was really off, and that I was going to fall.
I was cognizant that I was tripping and remarked on this novel feeling - I don't remember ever having a feeling like this on acid before. It was like I was almost about to float out of myself. The visuals were nice but not overwhelming. I didn't have trouble communicating. But I kept feeling like I was about to float away.

After coming back to the cabin I got in the hot tub for a quick dip and was in heaven. We were all hanging out about 5 or 6 hours into the trip, feeling good, but still having that recurring dissociative feeling. I remember a few of my friends saying they felt similarly, which we all thought was a bit odd. I was able to play a decently complex card game so I was pretty lucid even with this out of body sensation still occurring. At around 9pm we decided to take our molly dose. We had weighed out about .4 for each person and I definitely didn’t take all of mine, but I took a little more than half, and did it all at once. Almost right away I started coming up FAST. According to my friends it was really intense right away. At this point I ended up pretty much dissociating. I know I decided I wanted to be in the hot tub so I got in while my friends kept partying. I have no recollection of the hot tub at all. I was in complete ecstasy. According to my friends I was thrashing around in the water, making movements with my arms and legs, and saying sentence fragments. It was like being back in the womb. I was in there for at least an hour until my friend was able to pull me out. I remember talking to her when she came to ‘rescue me’ from the hot tub. I remember at this point having a decently coherent conversation. After that we walked around the neighborhood as I floated in and out of my body. I felt an incredible rush of joy and gratitude for my friendships but wasn’t able to communicate much. I slowly faded and woke up on the couch around 7am before I went to my own bed. Apparently I was putting my arm up in the air every couple of minutes, saying a sentence fragment, and then fading out of awareness. I don't really remember any of this.

The next day I was covered in bruises from thrashing around the hot tub. My friends said they had never seen me that high before, and I agreed. It’s still a huge mystery. I’ve regularly taken larger doses of molly and LSD but this was entirely on another level. The comedown was intense, my husband and I were extremely emotional and moved to tears by extremely mundane things. I was genuinely terrified I broke my brain but after a good night’s sleep and about a day and a half I was back to normal. Still have no idea how I managed to get that high and would love insight - maybe the hot tub dehydrated me to the point the molly was more intense? Maybe the LSD was extra strong or had some other substance? Maybe being isolated in a pandemic for 9 months made everything more powerful? I have no idea but also, no regrets.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115028
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Dec 21, 2020Views: 1,196
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Sweating (341), MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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