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Ego Death and Thought Loops
by xorh
Citation:   xorh. "Ego Death and Thought Loops: An Experience with DMT (exp115056)". Jan 14, 2021.

40 mg   DMT
Completely melted into the experience, this was so much stronger than any other hit, holy shit. Lived many lifetimes, got crippled with addiction, the world turned grey, I forgot about my life, my existence, life was a repetitive blur. Severely hallucinating on the way to the toilet and back, reality lost any sense of logic. I was walking through endless rooms in my flat. I completely lost touch with time. I wanted it to end. It was too intense. I lost touch with my life entirely, nothing seemed to matter. It was pointless loops that I couldn't get out of. I finally understood addicts, I thought I was an addict, that my friends, family and colleagues would find it, that I'd be judged. That faded when I realised I wanted them to know, I wanted help, I wanted this to end. I thought it had been days, that I wasn't showing up for work, I forgot everything about myself, I had to say my name, my tripsitter's name, the name of the company I work at, again and again, along with "thank you", "I'm sorry", "It's okay" in order to come back. It was just pieces of a puzzle. My life was fragmented. I tried to remember food and water. I remembered I needed those. I didn't remember why. Intensely hallucinating while talking to TS, my desk was moving around the room back to its first position. I wasn't in reality anymore, I was dropping in and out. Life was glitching intensely. Saw just how ludicrous life was: going to work, coming back, looking for a mate, endless cycles, repeating ad nauseam. They sped up into movement was all that was left. There was no life left, just a blur. I forgot who I was.

I lived a thousand lifetimes in 20 minutes, confronted with the temporary nature of existence, I thought that I could only live the moments I was on DMT. I thought I was going to work, coming back, making money, seeing people, but the only moments I saw were where I did the DMT, I thought weeks had passed, that I stopped going outside, that my friends would soon be aware of my addiction, then this shifted to me being okay with that. I couldn't get out. There was no exit. I wanted serious help. I wanted the loops to stop. I thought I stumbled on this drug as a solution, but instead I appreciated what addicts have to go through to quit. I struggled to get out, I tried for a while to return, I just wanted my life back. Eventually the effects faded, but I was hallucinating intensely, I didn't know what was going on. I thought I was stuck. I was conscious but I knew I had to break the loop (a nonexistent one) of taking DMT. I told TS this needed to stop, my assumption was that weeks had passed, that we'd done it many times already, and I didn't have the mental fortitude to stop the next one, that it's inevitable I'd fall back in.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115056
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 14, 2021Views: 648
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DMT (18) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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