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In Some Afterlife
by Dark
Citation:   Dark. "In Some Afterlife: An Experience with LSD (exp115065)". Aug 30, 2023.

400 ug oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It was my second time taking LSD, about a year ago. Myself and four other friends had gone camping at a little campsite with a small forest and a beach/lake. I was planning taking 400ug with T and D, while B and S were just drinking alcohol. The story begins at quarter to five in the evening when the five of us were at our campsite. We had a large tarp hung up between two trees plus the car to block any vision from other campers. So, carefree, at 4:45, I took 400 micrograms of pure LSD (T and D took only 300).

T + 0:00 - We had just finished chewing on the tabs. It was my turn to cook dinner for our little group that night, but since the first time I took acid it took around 3 hours to kick in, I figured I would be fine to cook dinner at 6:30, so I simply kicked back and relaxed.

T + 0:20 - To my surprise, the effects started hitting me. It was that mild but just noticeable effect I get with a lot of drugs; when something seems off but I can’t quite put my finger on it. So, I started preparing dinner (Chicken pasta with a creamy tomato sauce. Takes about 45 minutes to make).

T + 0:45 - The effects had become much more noticeable. The visual effect felt similar to being drunk; everything swaying, objects are unclear, and it’s difficult to focus on things. However, I felt pretty sober mentally, and was completely focused on finishing dinner for everyone before I became too tripped out to cook.

T + 01:00 - It is almost impossible to complete any simple task. My vision is completely distorted, but clear, if that makes sense. I guess enhanced is a better word to describe it, but not in a good way. My friends B and S knew I had been struggling with dinner for the last 15 minutes or so, and had been doing most of the work.

T + 01:05 - We served ourselves dinner. I couldn’t really taste anything; it felt as if the food was just going into my mouth, through my esophagus and into some void, never to be seen again. I started having sharp chest pains.

T + 01:15 - I am pretty sure I’ve peaked. I notice T and D sitting on their camping chairs looking up at the sky, and I shuffle over to them to join them in whatever they’re doing. I look up, and the leaves on the trees looked unreal - the best way I can describe it is something out of a nintendo game. They were bright green and cartoon-looking, but nothing else looked that off. My body felt super weird, though - pretty much just completely numb and heavy. The uncoordination was kind of like being drunk.

T + 01:30 - B and S are completely drunk now, and the five of us are just sitting around the campsite not knowing what’s what. My mind was all over the place; I couldn’t think, all I could do was just absorb all the faint colours and patterns everywhere I looked. Some slight euphoria, so overall pretty enjoyable. A fair bit ‘brighter’ than my first experience with acid.

T + 02:15 - it’s 7pm now. It feels as if the last hour has gone so quick. I had basically been spending the entire time just focusing on myself, making sure that I was in control and wasn’t going to pass out. I was still in the peak of the trip. The best way to describe the feeling is like being stoned and drunk plus visuals. No rush of energy or anything like I get from MDMA. My head was pretty ‘cloudy’ I guess, all my thoughts distorted and unarranged. Physically, my limbs were slightly floaty but mainly heavy. It took a lot of effort to get up and walk around, but was doable.

T + 02:30 - The five of us relocated into the tent (a big 5-person tent) because S wanted to vape and try to hotbox the tent. We all stumbled around in there for a bit then just fell over because of all the effort. None of us could really stand or move properly. S hit his vape and the tent filled with vapour, and as I looked around all these different colours were flashing around. It was quite beautiful, but I had kind of realised that I was so far from sober that I may have taken a bit too much. My mind felt, how do I say, ‘locked.’ I wasn’t paying any attention to any of the other four guys, I was just thinking internally and focusing on staying in control of the trip. After that I don’t remember, I’m fairly certain I just completely passed out from being overwhelmed by the effects of the acid.

T + 06:00 - This is when it started getting bad. I’m not entirely sure on the time I woke up but I think it was around 10:45. I was still completely high, and I looked around and the tent was empty except for me. I started getting scared; I didn’t know how much time had passed but something told me it was at least a few hours. I hear voices coming from outside the tent, and I know one belongs to B, but I can’t quite make out what the voices are saying. Regardless, my mind makes up that it’s the ambulance people talking to B and that I’ve overdosed and taken to much. I start getting paranoid and rush out of the tent to find B calling out to the other three who are on their way to the beach.

I feel a little relieved as I know that I’m safe, but I realise that I have absolutely no connection with reality. I’m looking around, and things look pretty normal, but I just feel like I’m in some sort of bad dream. I can’t tell if this is real, or what this is. The visuals are still there but less intense. B notices me and he walks me to the beach where we meet up with our other three companions. So the five of us are just standing around at the beach/ lake, just talking, and I know that I’m on some other level. The lake is coloured black and yellow, and everything else just looks slightly off-colour. My body feels mostly okay now, I’m still a bit disoriented but I can walk without too much effort.

T + 06:15 - This part of the trip was for sure the worst. My friends knew something was up with me. I was still totally and utterly confused as to what was going on. I knew where I was and I knew that I had taken LSD, but I had no idea what was real. For around 30 minutes my brain continually made up these scenarios in my head, and the worst one was where T approached me, told me that I was dead, and I perceived him to be the devil. This moment, where I believed I was truly dead and in some afterlife, was by far the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced.
T approached me, told me that I was dead, and I perceived him to be the devil. This moment, where I believed I was truly dead and in some afterlife, was by far the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced.
I managed to get a grip on it, though, when I could see my hands and move them and see that I must be alive. However I basically forgot who I was and who everyone else was. My friends were all there with me, but couldn’t really do anything to help. I was trapped in my head. I kept asking over and over to them who I was, who they were, and if I was dead. I was just so confused and disoriented and it was extremely unpleasant.

T + 08:30 - D wants to sleep and he walks with me back to the campsite. As soon as we reach it, I realise I’m not high anymore, and I realise that the last two and a half hours were just normal life, I had just been too messed up to even comprehend any sort of reality.

I now realise that 400ug is quite a massive dose, even though it doesn’t sound like it, since it’s only double what a standard dosage would be. I knew before taking it that it would definitely a ‘heavy’ dose, but I definitely didn’t expect to lose all touch with reality and have no sense of self or time or anything. I slept well that night, and in the morning told myself I would never do acid again.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 30, 2023Views: 353
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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