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The Singing Diversion
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   Chamille. "The Singing Diversion: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp115080)". Apr 10, 2023.

Repeated hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)

This is a composite of about five trips I took on one gram of 20X salvia over a period of a week. I used a convenient bong I got online that can convert any plastic soda bottle into a bona fide smoking machine. It’s really easy to hide which is great. My first experience introduced me to what I can best describe as a “world of song.” There were an infinite number of entities out there singing in concert about reality, creating it with their myriad voices. I was a single singer who woke up just like Neo in the Matrix. I was a single bud who was adjacent to a tiny sphere that had a minor part top play in the song of creation. This, I later learned, was the song of Earth. A tiny harmony within the chorus of alien song. This, I figure, is what religious folk call the “heavenly host.”

I pushed up out of my cage like a mushroom and met with a couple of janitors who said “keep this person down” as if they were doing a routing culling. But I blew up and pushed past them and saw my first glance of the concert. It is, I believe, an exchange medium for FTL communication between alien species. Each being sings as part of a larger being. Their songs form together to create reality phenomena. They are colored brightly and vibrantly, and their songs are beautiful.
Each being sings as part of a larger being. Their songs form together to create reality phenomena. They are colored brightly and vibrantly, and their songs are beautiful.
Everyone is in sync. And that’s when I came down from my first trip. Immediately I packed the bong with another go and smoked it.

This time I caught a glimpse of the inner working of the song. At this point I was a wandering soul in the world of color; a rogue without a specific place within the song. One of the most interesting things I saw was when I tried to talk to one of the singing voices. Like a math problem attempting to account for an irregularity, that being’s song changed and he began a solo. That solo began to climb up the ladder of reality and more beings turned to watch. It was at that point I got the urge to sing. A distinct thought that I could sing better than these beings who were just following a script.

“Let me sing!” I cried, letting my voice echo throughout that colorful reality. I peeled away the layers of the fundamental theorem and got to glimpse what the real nature of this world is. “Let me sing!” I cried, wishing to give to this world some of the knowledge I had gained through my experiences with schizophrenia. And then I began to come down. The whole of this carefully constructed reality was tumbling. The beings did not want me to sing because they did not trust me. But I proved that I could be beneficial by supporting the falling system as it fell. I was a lynchpin in the collapse of this beautiful circus of knowledge and colors.

And then, on my next three trips the day after, I witnessed a disaster. I woke up as a sentient blob in a schoolyard that had gained sentience. I was cleaned up by the janitor the first trip. On the second I became the school and witnessed a few interesting phenomena but overall was, like, a sentient schoolhouse. The third trip, about an hour after the second, was the disaster. The beings under me, who had decided to latch themselves onto me, tried to put on a Magic School Bus style show for the kids at the school. Like, they took the kids on a bus trip through a body or something. At the very end, when the kids were leaving out the exit, a bump happened. And the kids were eaten alive. The beings who had been trying to entertain them forgot their manners and became mindless hungry drones. The beings with me who remembered their civility became police and all I could see was flashing blue and all I could hear was “wee-woo-wee-woo.”

To this day I do not understand the school house disaster vision. Was it real? Did I witness what I think I did? I don’t know, and I can’t explain what happened.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115080
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2023Views: 371
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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