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Subtly Euphoric
Kratom, Alcohol & Cigarettes
Citation:   homogenic97. "Subtly Euphoric: An Experience with Kratom, Alcohol & Cigarettes (exp115122)". Erowid.org. Jan 26, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115122

  oral Alcohol  
  6 g oral Kratom (capsule)
    oral Coffee  
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Recently I (M 21 - 5'7, 130lb) tried kratom for the first time. Well, technically it was my second time, but I was extremely intoxicated from multiple substances the first time I tried it about a year ago so I can't remember any of the effects, or if there even were any. So this is a (somewhat lengthy) description of my first time sentiently experiencing kratom, in the company of a partner (F 20 - 5'1, 105lb).

I took what I believe to be a mild-moderate dose at 6g of capsulated red bali at 4.30 PM. I ate a sandwich right before the capsules, which I washed down with a bottle of hard lemonade. I'm not sure of the known risks of combining kratom with indulgences such as fast food and alcohol, so just a disclaimer that my experience was my own and had at my own risk.

The capsules were tough to get down after I had taken seven or eight of them. I took ten in total. I felt mildly anxious but only in an anticipatory way. After twenty minutes I felt the first sedative effects while laying down in my partner's bed and chatting with her. 45 minutes in, we decide to go to the liquor store to buy some more alcohol and have a cigarette on the way there. By the time we get to the liquor store, I am feeling quite relaxed but also a bit disoriented and a smidge lightheaded. Navigating the liquor store and choosing what I wanted was more perplexing than it would normally be. I lost my partner for a few minutes as she is very short and disappeared among the shelves. I noticed that my hand was shaking when I was showing the cashier my ID, which I thought was strange because I couldn't feel myself shaking at all.

We smoked another cigarette on the way home, and then drank some coffee and sambuca. By this time (6.30 PM) I was feeling very happy and relaxed, all my shakiness was gone and I was thoroughly enjoying the company of my partner. We had sex for much longer than normal, like an hour and a half. It felt amazing but I couldn't ejaculate. Not sure if this is an effect from the alcohol or kratom. I didn't really care, as I felt like I was thriving off the pleasure I was giving her.

Afterwards I was just feeling really happy in a subtly euphoric way, in the embrace of my partner as we watched a lesbian teen romance from Sweden. Not usually my cup of tea but I was really touched by it.

We decided to smoke another cigarette during the film and after a few puffs I suddenly started to feel very ill. I was sweating and dizzy and had heat flashes. This lasted about a minute and then I leapt up and puked in the trash can. Hardly anything came up but I felt better immediately. I got back in bed with my partner and we finished watching the film and that was that! I've never vomited from a cigarette alone before, so it's either due to being combined with the alcohol or the kratom (or both).

Besides the short interlude of cigarette-induced nausea, the rest of the night went well. I was actually a bit restless during the night, which, again, could be from either alcohol or kratom. The next day was normal, but a good day and I still felt happy.

I will be trying kratom again, maybe at a slightly higher dose of 8g next time.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115122
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 26, 2021Views: 1,277
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Tobacco - Cigarettes (266), Alcohol (61), Kratom (203) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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