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Light Lag Effect
Eszopiclone & DXM
Citation:   Hourglass. "Light Lag Effect: An Experience with Eszopiclone & DXM (exp115129)". Jul 11, 2023.

T+ 0:00
3 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:04 180 mg oral DXM  
A little background about me, I am a painter who has been well versed in experimenting with DXM and other 3rd eye opening substances. This experience is almost compatible to the first time I ever took ambien but with more closed eye visuals.

I woke up 9:00am and take 3mg of Lunesta and go walk around the park and enjoy the calm atmosphere and the ability to feel myself. As a painter I’m living in this world I cannot deal with. These moments are priceless; however, since it was so early in the day I decided I wanted that moment to last. Well as far as I understand dxm brings out what’s in your system so at 11:04am I ingested 180 mg of dxm and then I waited in a park. After about 20 minutes something felt like I was from a different planet.

11:24 It made me feel like I was glowing more strongly probably just the antihistamine in the robo that is increasing the Lunesta.

11:59 I start feeling a more euphoric feeling than I did that morning and started getting a lot more emotional.

12:40 I start to get more in touch with myself and feel more conscious. Yet I’m so used to dxm that nothing noteworthy occurred.

1:30 I feel noticeably elevated and that the serotonin drip take of the DXM is at its peak. I still notice that the light lag is in effect and then decide to walk home.

2:30 After I get home I sit down in my chair and put on some music.

2:39 I play one of my favorite hypnotic rap songs and focus my eyes almost closer to my nose so that everything around it fades out. In doing so I notice the same exact hypnotic tornado visualization that I got 5 years prior
I play one of my favorite hypnotic rap songs and focus my eyes almost closer to my nose so that everything around it fades out. In doing so I notice the same exact hypnotic tornado visualization that I got 5 years prior
on ambien. And I legitimately got turned on.

4:00 I continued to play with lights and modulate the light lag effect.

Overall it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever re-experienced. This experience was liberating , and it makes me cry when looking back. It allowed me to open my consciousness and manifest my own thoughts from the dream world to the *real* world.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115129
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2023Views: 308
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