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An Experience Not Worth Having
Citation:   Gilglim. "An Experience Not Worth Having: An Experience with 3-HO-PCP (exp115136)". Jan 30, 2021.

  insufflated 3-HO-PCP (powder / crystals)
    buccal 3-HO-PCP (powder / crystals)
We ordered 1g of 3-HO-PCP from an on-line vendor. We didn't test it, but I'm pretty sure it was the real deal.

We (wife and I) started off with a moderate dose, sniffing a little less than 10mg.

After 15-20 minutes I could feel it but it was mild. We have substantial experience with Ketamine (around 100) so I can tell that it was, in fact, a dissociative. It did increase over time and left us with the feeling that, yeah, there is something there, but it didn't give us any hallucinations. There was a heightened awareness of the music we were listening to, and it was interesting but not remarkable in any way. As we approached the two hour mark, I remember thinking that it was leaving me feeling extremely neutral about everything, no passion or increased interest in anything, just a remarkably intense bland feeling. That sounds odd and it is. It went on to leave me with a bit of fuzzy thinking, stuttered loss of memory/time and started giving me the feeling that we had under-dosed.

I had read that it can ramp up pretty drastically, but I wanted an experience, so that I KNEW what this substance was about. So we redosed with another 10mg, I probably had another 15-20mg, because as it started kicking in, I kept sticking my finger in the powder and sucking a bit more off of my finger tip to help ramp it up. I did this for her a few times too. I just wanted to make sure that it gave us the full experience rather than wasting an evening on an under-dose.

Wow, it did ramp-up. Eventually (about T+3:15) there was about an hour of no talking at all. I could tell that there were several stretches of time that I had lost all recollection of what I was thinking about or experiencing. There were none of the wonderful cognitive clarity moments and wonderful inner-visuals that I love about Ketamine.
There were none of the wonderful cognitive clarity moments and wonderful inner-visuals that I love about Ketamine.
At about T+6:30, we had leveled off at a moment when we could both talk again. I was noticing that visually everything was in high-contrast... there was a shimmer and buzz to everything, but we were thinking and seeing with clarity. Both of us were certain that we had plumbed the depths of 3-HO-PCP and found it very vacuous. I can't say that it was a BAD experience, and if you REALLY REALLY want just to have AN experience, this was an experience. I chatted with my wife about what value this would ever have for anyone. She couldn't think of one. I thought, MAYBE it would be useful if you were in a military setting and wanted heightened visual clarity... like a sniper, but you'd also have moments where you forget what you are even doing there, so that seems like a waste of time, unless you have a spotter next to you that can tap you on the shoulder and say "Hey, the whole reason you are here is to shoot that guy..." Yeah, not really useful.

We decided to call it a night at around T+8:00 or T+9:00. We were both mentally and physically tired (even though we had spent the whole time in bed). We had initially thought that we were going to share some of this stuff with a friend who has shared his stash with us in the past. Instead we flushed the rest of it down the toilet. We had both agreed that it was better NOT to try this and didn't want to give our friend this bland memory-loss experience followed by a headache.

I woke up with a headache the following morning around 9am... she is still asleep now a little past noon.

If you love dissociatives, like me, this is one NOT to waste your time and money on. The fact that we threw it out and don't regret it is all you need to know. We still had a full 1g left over and threw it away. I don't expect any long term side effects related to this experience, and my headache is going away.

[Reported Dose: "25mg over 8 hours"]

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Jan 30, 2021Views: 2,587
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3-HO-PCP (838) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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