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That's Not Normal...
Methamphetamine & Heroin
Citation:   hedonistgonewrong. "That's Not Normal...: An Experience with Methamphetamine & Heroin (exp115148)". Feb 8, 2021.

0.5 g IV Heroin (daily)
    IV Methamphetamine  
I have had health issues related to shooting heroin mixed with meth. I have never read anything about this specifically so thought it important to share. Over extended drug use and a consistent herion addiction, I began to add meth into the IV as well. This resulted in abscesses. I had never had abscesses before or ever after, only in the several weeks of adding meth to the mixture. I had two serious abscesses, both on my legs in places I was not injecting.
I had two serious abscesses, both on my legs in places I was not injecting.
I treated them both myself, resulting in scarring. The strange aspect was seeing something black come out of my leg where the abscess was. This is gross so if squimish I would stop reading here. It was mostly pus, normal looking pus with a large piece of a gooey black substance. It was a soft solid, independent of the pus. No idea what it was and have never found any information. I am assuming it is similar to the pus, but of a different reaction. Peace and stay safe.

[Reported Dose: "average 1/2 gram a day over 4 years/ 1 shard"]

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 115148
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Feb 8, 2021Views: 1,822
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Methamphetamine (37), Heroin (27) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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